upper respitory infection, help meds arent working

They said nothing was wrong with one and the other one just has like an eye infection. Thats bull! My hens are gurgling. They dont gurgle for no reason
Sorry you wasted your time with the vet. Unfortunately they don't teach a lot about chickens in vet school because most people won't take their chickens in to see them. Nowadays, there are more of us willing to have them seen. You might get more answers by phoning your state vet or Dept of Agriculture. Sometimes they will have more outbreaks of certain diseases in one area versus another disease in other areas or states. They can also give you instructions if you need a necropsy.
Well it pisses me off, tyey say they arent sick but to keep them on tylan. If theyre not sick im not gona buy 60$ tylan. Let alone says one have a viral infection, but gave us no meds, just said wash it daily. The tylan wont work for that, its for uri! Im not a vet n I know this all!!!! What am I supposed to do?
What dose of Tylan were they on? Can you get the Di-Methox? I put a link in an earlier post where to buy it. They may sell Di-Methox or Gallimycin locally in a feed store.
The Di-Methox will treat coryza. The Gallimycin will treat MG/CRD and coryza. Tylan also treats both, but MG better. Coryza can last weeks, and they may get it again and again. Sorry I can't give you better news.

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