upset and panicking!

Gosh, I just read this. I'm sure you are panic striken. I would be too.
I don't think you would have found him in the dark. He would probably stay put.
If you didn't find feathers or _____, that's a good sign.
He might have taken shelter in the rain. Is there anywhere that he could have been closed into or stuck in?? A friend of mine said when she was a little girl, the roo got closed in the feed can, and jumped out at her dad that evening!
Another thing, he might have gone up high to roost and can't get down. My roo did that once, got on the coop roof, and I had to get up there and rescue him.
Could he have gotten tangled up in something ?
Maybe walk around shaking some feed in a can?
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I walked through the woods and haven't found any feathers or..body parts. He normally goes into the coop at night on his perch, but other then that he really couldn't have gotten closed in anything. He's so little I'm not sure if he could fly that high into a tree, I'll have to take a walk and look though. I'll try the feed in a can idea, I'm sure he's starving. Would it be possible that he could have wondered into the woods and got lost?
Would somebody steal him? Did your other chickens act normal the night he went missing? Usually our chickens stay stirred up for quite a while if they've been threatened. I really hope you find him!
PP I'm really sorry. I know how much that little roo meant to you.

As someone who has lost many a pet I suggest you take a deep breath,
shed a few tears, and focus on all your other birds. If he isn't around I
fear a predator got him. If not he would have been home already. Once the
sun went down he would have stopped moving.

Again I'm really sorry you have to go through this. Most of us chicken folks
experience this from time to time and it always seems it's our favorite bird
that disappears, dies, or turns out to be a roo we can't keep.

Someone stole 13 of my ducklings a couple months ago so it is possible. The other adult chickens were perfectly normal, didn't seem upset or anything. Normally when something comes in our yard or even one of our cats the roosters get all riled up and start making noise. Even the chicks that were in with him were fine, walking around, eating, acting normal. Why would someone steal him, are some people that mean and low that they would steal someone else's pet?
I am so sorry.

Believe me if you're going to lose one to a predator, its much easier this way (to have them disappear) than to find them. I've lost them both ways and I hated finding them.

Thanks Don. I just don't know what I'm going to tell Kristin(Henrietta321), they were so excited to see him at chickenstock, now I feel horrible. We recently had a coyote kill over half our flock and yes I was upset, but Primo gone just makes me feel worse. Luckily those coyotes are long gone..

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