upset and panicking!

Of course he could have gotten lost, I would check around your nearest neighbor's homes. We found a lost roo in the 90's and he lived with us for 4 years.
I've noticed if I move the water bowl 2 feet, my chickens can't find it! LOL
He might have been chased. Don't give up hope yet.
Kristen is going to be a lot more concerned about you than Primo. Don't feel horrible
or guilty. This kinda thing just happens.

We can't wait to see YOU at chickenstock next week!!!
Well we all met at a local show about a month ago, and that's how I got Primo. Then we have the CT chickenstock next week on Sunday, it's pretty much just a get together of people who love chickens. Check on the chickenstock threads to see if there is going to be one in florida, if not maybe you can host one.

Still no sign of Primo...i'm losing hope now..

How handsome!

I have to disagree with Purple Chicken. I feel there's just as much chance he was taken, as lost to a predator. Yes, people are that low down. But, in a way, it's a better thought....

And, like Seminolewind, we once found a rooster that we had for years. Have you thought of putting up signs, like you would for a dog?

I've never had his they get into trees well? If they can, might he be "stuck" in a tree, like a kitten?

I just feel so badly for you, and keep hoping he's found. But, if you don't find evidence of something bad having happened, he may be living happily among someone elses hens.
I am so sorry! I am one who has bonded closest to roosters in the past so I feel your pain. My favorite roo Betsie just came up MIA one night and I can only assume he went down in a glorious battle against some predator protecting his girls and lost in the end, but the girls were all safe. Maybe your Primo was the 'bait' that made a predator follow him away from all your other chickens to save their lives?
I like to think of my deceased in positive light like that, especially the boys. So, who knows, maybe he did that and ran off into the woods and may still show up one day. I had a girl (who looked very similar to your boy) come back home after FOUR weeks believe it or not.
Best of luck,
Don't give up yet. One of my co-workers let's her rabbit out to play in the fenced in back yard before work everyday. And one morning he didn't want to come in. She didn't want to be late so she left him food and water. Unfortunately he would not let her pick him up for several weeks and one day he disappeared. He showed up on her back porch five months later. Needless to say he is an all-the-time inside bunny now.
Could something have plucked him from the sky and flew off with him? He doesn't look very big. Is he an OEGB? If someone stole him, they could have nepharious reasons like thinking he would make a good fighting bird just because he's a roo of that breed. Sorry to be the one to point out the worst. I sincerely hope you find him unharmed but just scared enough to never run away again. Did you ever figure out how he got in with the older chicks in the first place?
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He's an OEGB and serama mix, so he's very small and just a baby himself only about 4 months old. He was in with the older chicks, because they are all pretty much the same size and got along great, the bigger adult birds picked on him a little(well actually my blue orp. would try to mate with him

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