Upstate, NY chicken peeps!

very pretty but I think those are EE's roos? Crossed by and Ameracauna?

LOL in fact those look like OE Sonew roos...

Buah ha ha ha!!!
You cannot POSSIBLY have an upstate NY thread without ME!!!!!!

Checking in from the 518. I'm so far north, I moved to Canada!!!!!!

From Bombay, NY. I work in Ogdensburg (with LovinMyPeeps).
Just wondering if any of my fellow new yorkers have any BLRW they are interested in selling. i've been trying to get one for months now. i told my husband it would be a wonderful birthday present for me in a couple of weeks, but i have a feeling it won't happen. so can anyone help me out? i'm from near rome. thanks
Hi everyone! I'm from Rochester and just starting out with a small flock - 3 Araucanas and 4 White Leg Horn/RIR mixes. Looking for others in this area with city chickens.
welcome aboard!!!! I am having a huge chicken festival at my house Sunday-ALOT of BYC people are coming-selling birds we have a50/50 raffle massive prizes -teaching people how to process chickens--etc

feel free to come if you can make it???

Thanks for the invite! You're pretty far from me, but I'll be there in spirit
! Have fun!​

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