UPSTATE NY chickenstock OCT 3rd Sunday!! -The aftermath and hatching

Going off to take pics of my new chickies - I ended up with 6 dead in shell - 2 MFD, two SF and the two largest mutt eggs. Oddly enough, all the other eggs looked to have perfect 'wetness' but the two gigantic eggs (which had gigantic black chickens in em) looked to have drowned. I had humidity at 40% the whole hatch until lockdown and none of the others had that problem. Maybe it was just the sheer size of the eggs. The two dead in shell MFD were not sloppy wet, the salmon favorelles looked underdeveloped. None of the chicks that popped out were wet.

Out of all those eggs, only one poor little gretchen egg made it. On the plus side, I have 24 little chickies!
(just what I needed).. And 10 MFD!!

One of my egg laying hens is not doing well. I think she's eggbound or something similar, probably because she started laying so young. I gave her a tush bath and have her in my hospital cage, but I think she's on her way out. Poor little 24 week old chicken.
And my next up and coming egg layers are two short due to that nasty hawk. ah well.

Pics coming!
Yay for the babies!!!! I am so glad the MFD's hatched well for someone else.
for your sick one. I hope she gets better
Ok, I think this is the SF, but the 'mutt eggs' also yielded about 5 yellow chicks, all with floofy legs. Some are bigger and some smaller.

Mutt egg #1 - have several of these:

Three of these:

Three of these:


Two of these:


Lots of these (MFD):


And some miscellaneous yellow mutt chickens that are still drying off - I'll wait for Shellz to remind me what she's got in the mix!
They may be mixes. They should have 5 toes and can be feather sexed. Males feather in black and females feather in brown.
Ok, I'll go look at all these little yellow chicks and see if any of them have five toes. They all have feathered legs, but only one egg that hatched was marked 'sf' so lesse!

Hmm. Ok maybe gretchen threw in an egg that wasn't marked since the two yellow tiny ones in the brooder right now both have feathered legs and five toes. So maybe I have two SF.
Not sure on the three still in the bator - one of those is definitely not a bantam - came out of a big brown egg.
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Muggs have you hatched out chuckies egg yet-or is it too soon?? Im dying to kow what his babies look like:)

Nat...I feel I am perpetually the bearer of bad news. One wasn't fertile, and the other two had blood rings.
I am determined to hatch some ducks this year. Lovins said "something-something Cayuga eggs" and I have been salivating at the thought of getting some. I want some duckies!!!

LOL it was crested cayuga eggs and he just started breeding with Ebony. Not sure if she will lay this fall or not, if she does you can totally be my tester if you want. They should be good looking ducks!
Nat...I feel I am perpetually the bearer of bad news. One wasn't fertile, and the other two had blood rings.
I am determined to hatch some ducks this year. Lovins said "something-something Cayuga eggs" and I have been salivating at the thought of getting some. I want some duckies!!!

LOL it was crested cayuga eggs and he just started breeding with Ebony. Not sure if she will lay this fall or not, if she does you can totally be my tester if you want. They should be good looking ducks!

I'll test for ou when you're ready, too Lovins. You know where to find me.

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