Upstate NY Coop - Insulate or Not to Insulate


In the Brooder
6 Years
Its that time to start to build my coop. I have (6) Barred Rocks that will need their permanent home fairly soon at the rate they are growing. The plan is for a 6'x8' coop with 8'x10' outside run.

Based on our weather in Upstate NY(north of Albany) do I need to insulate the coop? Seen most of the coops on this site are uninsulated. I was not sure and want to do this right.

All feed back is appreciated.
I live near Buffalo New York. my sisters coop is not insulated , has no electric and was in the middle of a field and the chicken survived just fine threw the winters of new York
I also live in NY (western NY) and we get a lot of snow and a lot of wind. The wind is much worse than the snow IMHO. We have two smallish coops right now - 6X8's. Neither of our coops are insulated. I keep the windows closed in the winter, I put vasaline on the rooster's comb, and I nailed a burlap cloth over one of the vents to stop the snow from blowing in (the side that faces the prevailing wind). Other than that, we don't do anything to compensate for the cold - no heat, no lights. Chickens have been raised for thousands of years without insulated buildings. I did shop for "cold hardy" breeds when I got my chickens though. That's about it. We are upgrading to a large shed/small barn this summer and we won't be insulating that one either. I think making it predator proof is more important than the insulation.
You may see a lot of opinions, but no, you do not have to insulate. Chickens already come equipped with perfect insulation of their own, and really don't need any help from us. Just give them a dry, draft free place to roost at night and they'll be fine.
I am insulating both my coops. this past winter was brutal on us in CT sub zero temps and all of them got frost bitten on their combs. sure it grew back I just felt bad for them so bad in fact most days they stayed inside the coop by their choice.
I am in northern Massachusetts, and we are in the process of building our coop (8'x6' with an 8'x14' run). We are going to insulate, with lots of vents that can be closed off if needed on really bad days.
I live in NY aswell..i have 3 coops that are not chickens are fine during the winter..i dont put a light in the coops either.
What benefit is to be had from insulating a chicken coop for the winter? A coop is not like your house, where you use insulation to help keep your furnace provided heat inside. A coop is SUPPOSED to be well ventilated, even and especially through winter. You do not want to have "lots of vents" closed off on the coldest days to "Keep them warm". THAT'S exactly what you do if you want your birds to get frostbite, and/or respiratory problems. Because a poorly ventilated coop will load up with moisture mostly just from the birds breathing. That moisture will freeze and cause problems. I get temps here into the single digits, not including any windchill. The front of my coop is wiiiiide open, year round. Coops like mine were used up into Maine and Canada, with temps to -40F. No insulation, No added heat. This is not theory, but documented fact. Sealing them up in a box for the winter, is the wrong way to go.


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