Urban Homesteaders

We did this once at another house. Just pour concrete into the rings and leave them be until it hardens and then move on down the line. You can get as plain or as fancy as you want. Add designs or colored rock or leaf imprints or paw prints or whatever. Fill in with gravel or smaller rocks and it makes a pretty good flooring for raw ground.
great idea ..!!! :woot:highfive::thumbsup & keep those good ideas coming..!!!
Good ideas! I'll have to try it out. I just got a new mattress - yes, brand new, I need back surgery but I don't want it, and I was shocked at all the "stuff" for sale. I haven't shopped for pleasure in forever, preferring to make things out of free stuff, and I can see why people can't live on their incomes. I throw away all catalogs, and ads, or use them to start my fire. It is simply amazing what sells. I am still removing clutter from my house, and I don't want any new clutter!
Good ideas! I'll have to try it out. I just got a new mattress - yes, brand new, I need back surgery but I don't want it, and I was shocked at all the "stuff" for sale. I haven't shopped for pleasure in forever, preferring to make things out of free stuff, and I can see why people can't live on their incomes. I throw away all catalogs, and ads, or use them to start my fire. It is simply amazing what sells. I am still removing clutter from my house, and I don't want any new clutter!
:goodpost: I SECOND THAT ...!!!:highfive::woot:thumbsup:thumbsup IM WITH YOU ON THAT..!!! and i hope the new mattress helps your back , some times its the old mattress thats causing back pain..? i have a really bad back my self, not fun at all HA:rolleyes: i blew my back out building my house when i was 25 & went through a car windshield before that HA,:rolleyes::hmm so my back & neck have never been right since, but i just try to keep going come hell or hi water..!!! & just try to rest up at night the only time i get to stop...HA im like the Energizer bunny ....lol..:D;) but i might just need some new batteries soon ...HA:old :lol::lau:gig:p:D:old
Good ideas. You could also use plastic to make the tube: perhaps a small trash can, cut the bottom out of it. Or use a larger plastic bucket, simply cut the plastic, and pop rivet it to make the right diameter tube. Left over pieces of aluminum flashing would also work well. Size your tube to fit a 6 - 8" cake pan which would be the lid.
:goodpost:wonderful & thank you for your ideas...!!! i have almost new food grade 5 gallon buckets , i am using them and they already have lids, and then all i need is the bottom pan, i been looking around and will go price checking, for the black plastic oil pan, or large flower pot bottom pans , which ever one cost less, thats the one...! im getting..!! HA, so almost free is better then buying it all...!! is my motto...!!:thumbsup:yesss::highfive::woot
It's chain link. I think I will get some teenage boys to help. I don't have to worry until I finish it, until then it will go on the carport. I'm not sure how I'm going to do it yet, I'm looking at pictures of coops, one of my favorite past times.
Love to recycle / reuse and am thinking of making floor with political signs. Do I need to contact the person campaigning for permission to take their sign after voting?
I want to make a tractor for my Polish, and separate them from the Brahmas. For now I want something attractive and cute, since it will go on my front lawn. Any suggestions?

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