Urban Homesteaders

Excellent build, excellent repurposing of materials. You are blessed by a moderate climate. Your set up is an excellent visual pic of one of my "mantra's" If every one who could, would: do a bit of gardening, keep a few chickens, use, reuse, repurpose instead of spend, spend, spend, we would turn the economy of this country around. Our government would not know how to handle a country full of citizens who were self sufficient.
:goodpost: yes indeed i totally agree no spending here:woot, i use my inventive/artistic brain to help create what i need ..!!!! :highfive::thumbsup:jumpy:celebrate:yesss::ya:jumpy
just recently , i needed some different kinds of feeders ,for feeding dry feed, in winter , since in summer i use my $1.00 dollar store bucket feeders to feed the layer feed i mix with water & liquid vitamins and all kinds of left overs and other things to my flock of 75 , but in winter thats gonna freeze, so i have been thinking on how to copy the commercially made gravity dry feed feeders, & a few days ago i had an idea of how to get the feeders i want , and not have to pay as much for them...!!! by making them my self i could make several of them for just pennies on the dollar, so here is the kinds of metal feeders that are way to expensive in my estimation ,& so because of that i invented my own copies of this same design but firstly here is a pic of those expensive dry feed gravity feeders below , i figured i can make ones just like these with out the hi costs..!!! this one is a nice one, nicer then many ive seen that sell for a lot more plus shipping , this one is $ 20.00 and then shipping costs from northern tool , if any one is interested its not a big one at all.
4 1/2-Lb. Capacity, Model# YTF-45GHF,

any way this is the kind i am gonna copy , out of cheaper stuff from ace hardware , so to make this in metal , i would use a stove pipe and a galvanized metal bottom pan $ 3.99 for the pan & the stove pipe 6 to 8 dollars , im sure they can be got for less at a discount supply store, so thats my metal feeder idea, then i also have the same idea but the center feed holder is a sona tube , with a black oil plastic oil pan as the feeder bottom, both ideas work the same the sona tub you can get maybe 3 feeders out of one sona tube the size is up to you & the black plastic oil pan for the bottom is like $2.00 cheaper then the galvanized metal bottom pan, the sona tube i priced was about $7.00 for a 6 foot long sona tube & 6 or 8 inches across my sona tub idea is for very hot clime's, like mine here in AZ , so the birds cant burn the side of the face on the side of the burning hot metal center feed holder and the hot metal holder part may harm the feed inside that kind of hot feeder..??? so either way all depending on climate & cost you can make these kinds of feeders your self..!! and make several for around that same $20.00, you can connect the 2 pieces with metal hooks or the way they connect this one pictures above with some L shaped fasteners or make hooks from coat hangers, or other heave wire that wont rust,drill holes into the correct place near the bottom of the center part & bottom pan to match and hook together with the coat hangers, or you can get some long bolts, and connect the 2 parts together like that , check out how they are made on line were the sell them ,to see how they are attached to each other.! then pick the one you like best , so im off tomorrow to pick up my parts & pieces to make a few of these my self , one thing the bottom of the 2 parts needs to have a way for the dry feed to come out of the center tube into the bottom, i would be very careful with this part of your design ,you dont need to much feed coming out the bottom but just enough to drop down to replace whats been eaten away, so by trial and error it can be done , i will have to do the same to figure it all out , i can post pics of mine when i get them done ,im planning on making 3 of these feeders out of sona tubes with bottom pans for around $17.00 , so good luck you all :highfive::woot:thumbsup ;) :D :clap

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Good ideas. You could also use plastic to make the tube: perhaps a small trash can, cut the bottom out of it. Or use a larger plastic bucket, simply cut the plastic, and pop rivet it to make the right diameter tube. Left over pieces of aluminum flashing would also work well. Size your tube to fit a 6 - 8" cake pan which would be the lid.
Good ideas! I'll have to try it out. I just got a new mattress - yes, brand new, I need back surgery but I don't want it, and I was shocked at all the "stuff" for sale. I haven't shopped for pleasure in forever, preferring to make things out of free stuff, and I can see why people can't live on their incomes. I throw away all catalogs, and ads, or use them to start my fire. It is simply amazing what sells. I am still removing clutter from my house, and I don't want any new clutter!
Good ideas! I'll have to try it out. I just got a new mattress - yes, brand new, I need back surgery but I don't want it, and I was shocked at all the "stuff" for sale. I haven't shopped for pleasure in forever, preferring to make things out of free stuff, and I can see why people can't live on their incomes. I throw away all catalogs, and ads, or use them to start my fire. It is simply amazing what sells. I am still removing clutter from my house, and I don't want any new clutter!
:goodpost: I SECOND THAT ...!!!:highfive::woot:thumbsup:thumbsup IM WITH YOU ON THAT..!!! and i hope the new mattress helps your back , some times its the old mattress thats causing back pain..? i have a really bad back my self, not fun at all HA:rolleyes: i blew my back out building my house when i was 25 & went through a car windshield before that HA,:rolleyes::hmm so my back & neck have never been right since, but i just try to keep going come hell or hi water..!!! & just try to rest up at night the only time i get to stop...HA im like the Energizer bunny ....lol..:D;) but i might just need some new batteries soon ...HA:old :lol::lau:gig:p:D:old
I just found this on another forum; it is cool and has possibilities.
It is about 1/2 way down the page and is a post about using 2 liter plastic bottles to make small structures.
:goodpost: WOW YEAH , i have seen this use of the 2 liter plastic bottles on a site from mexico a few years back and people were building and living in homes made out of the 2 liter plastic bottles , very kool idea..! then you have the glass wine type bottle house, with glass lites in the walls made from adobe & bottles or papercrete as the mortar & wine bottles, or cob as mortar but either way these are pretty kool ideas..!!!
Papercrete a construction material consists of re-pulped paper fiber with cement or clay and/or other soil added. Wikipedia . but then you have the tire buildings called earth ships, made from old tires , all very interesting indeed..!!!:thumbsup:clap:highfive:

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