Urgent Advice Needed

Hen Help

In the Brooder
Apr 30, 2023
Our one year old poodle unlocked the back door while we were out and attacked one of our chickens. I guess he was trying to play because he didn't actually kill her. The neighbors called us and we quickly came home. We found the dog sitting by the front door and our hen in the driveway.
Our hen is in bad shape. I have no experience and am wondering if she even can even be be saved.
It is Sunday and we live way out in the country far from any resources and I'm not sure what we should do. I was thinking she should be put down but then as I removed her from the sink she started trying to flap her wings. Skin has been torn off near the neck and between the wings.
I cut off skin and feathers that was hanging off her neck and tried to apply antibiotic ointment.
DO we try to find a vet or is this just a lost cause. Am I just prolonging her suffering?
I attach a pictures. Any advise would be appreciated. I have zero experience with this sort of thing and need some sage advise from a calmer and more knowledgable person Thank You


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I can't tell from the pictures. Is there a chunk of flesh missing or is it just skin?
If it's just skin you could give her pain meds, clean it really well, and put on some New Skin. If it's a hole I would put her down.
Skin is torn off and there is a part that looks like chicken breast from the supermarket. It's totally exposed. When I decided to take her to the neighbor to kill, she started to flap her wings to escape as I was walking out the door, so I brought her back in and put her in the sink again. I don't know what to do. her eyes are closed and she is shaking. She is in shock.
There was an article an how to put a chicken down painlessly. You put them in a sealed container with a soaked towel of Ethel. Sorry I can't find the article.
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Despite how awful it looks, they are very resilient and often recover from some pretty terrible stuff. There are no guarantees ever, but she does have a chance. I would get some chlorhexidine (hibiclens, any walmart or pharmacy will have) and flush it well, if you can't get that then use sterile saline or some plain, mild soapy water. If you have veterycin spray, use that. Once it's dry, apply some plain neosporin or plain triple antibiotic ointment to cover the area and keep it moist, don't try to bandage it. Keep her in a crate or other safe place in a warm area, I use my spare bathroom. See if you can get her to drink first, then worry about food. She may be very sore, and shock can take a while to wear off. Reapply the ointment as needed to keep the wound covered in it. As long as there is no infection she has a good chance, but it's going to take a while. She can't go out with other chickens until it's healed enough to not get pecked by others. The scab that forms may be very thick and will eventually flake off on it's own. A link below with some pictures of healing wounds for reference. If you see any signs of infection then an oral antibiotic, like amoxicillin can be used. The antibiotic is often not needed, but something to think about in case.
If you have the bleeding under control, please give her pain relief: 1 (5-grain) tablet added to 250 mL of drinking water, changed after 12 hours. An alternative is 4 baby aspirin (80 mg/ea) added to 250 mL of drinking water.

Also, do not use the triple antibiotic ointment with pain relief - use the one without pain relief
That is such a massive injury, I would put her down. If you try to save her she WILL need pain relief. So many people on here totally skip that and it’s cruel.
I agree with you. I had also made up my mind to do this, but as I was walking out of the house with her she started flapping her wings a little and became animated. The will to live is strong. I brought her back to the deep sink and wrapped her up. I am no farmer, hunter or butcher, so this is enormously difficult. She's such a sweet girl.
If you have the bleeding under control, please give her pain relief: 1 (5-grain) tablet added to 250 mL of drinking water, changed after 12 hours. An alternative is 4 baby aspirin (80 mg/ea) added to 250 mL of drinking water.

Also, do not use the triple antibiotic ointment with pain relief - use the one without pain relief
Thank you so much Tricia and everyone here. I am a shaking mess and having trouble thinking straight. Right now, she is in the sink with several towels. I put a hot water bottle on the side of the sink to keep things warm -we are close the the Arctic and it is still cool up here.
I mixed the asprin in lukewarm water, but she will not drink it. Her eyes are shut, but they open when I come near and she has stopped trembling. I did the antibiotic ointment as you said. There is no bleeding, just a lot of torn off and exposed flesh. I also mixed some lukewarm water and iodine and poured it around the injury as a precaution. I texted the local horse vet with a picture of the injuries and she said she didn't know, but the important thing was to prevent suffering. I doubt there is anything else to be done for her. Once flesh has been torn off like that, I wonder how it can regrow. If I am insane for trying to heal her, I welcome the cold, hard truth from any of you. I am not rational or thinking straight right now. I do not want her to have a life of suffering. She is about 15 months old.
Despite how awful it looks, they are very resilient and often recover from some pretty terrible stuff. There are no guarantees ever, but she does have a chance. I would get some chlorhexidine (hibiclens, any walmart or pharmacy will have) and flush it well, if you can't get that then use sterile saline or some plain, mild soapy water. If you have veterycin spray, use that. Once it's dry, apply some plain neosporin or plain triple antibiotic ointment to cover the area and keep it moist, don't try to bandage it. Keep her in a crate or other safe place in a warm area, I use my spare bathroom. See if you can get her to drink first, then worry about food. She may be very sore, and shock can take a while to wear off. Reapply the ointment as needed to keep the wound covered in it. As long as there is no infection she has a good chance, but it's going to take a while. She can't go out with other chickens until it's healed enough to not get pecked by others. The scab that forms may be very thick and will eventually flake off on it's own. A link below with some pictures of healing wounds for reference. If you see any signs of infection then an oral antibiotic, like amoxicillin can be used. The antibiotic is often not needed, but something to think about in case.
Thank you so much. I will try and wait and see then.

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