I just irrigated with saline, used blukote to disinfect (its a mild disinfectant), and wrapped and splinted the wing with kerlix to the chickens body. While blukote DOES stain, it does keep the other birds from pecking at the wound. It does technically make it harder to examine, but if it was to go septic or get infected you would most likely notice symptoms of lethargy, discharge from the injury site, or foul smell at the injury site and could treat accordingly with a heavy regiment of antibiotics.

The splinting keeps the wing immobile to prevent movement and more tissue damage, allows the actual fracture to heal, as well as alleviates some the pain of gravity pulling down on the wing (similar to the sling and swathe technique used for humans with extremity fractures).
I just irrigated with saline, used blukote to disinfect (its a mild disinfectant), and wrapped and splinted the wing with kerlix to the chickens body. While blukote DOES stain, it does keep the other birds from pecking at the wound. It does technically make it harder to examine, but if it was to go septic or get infected you would most likely notice symptoms of lethargy, discharge from the injury site, or foul smell at the injury site and could treat accordingly with a heavy regiment of antibiotics.

The splinting keeps the wing immobile to prevent movement and more tissue damage, allows the actual fracture to heal, as well as alleviates some the pain of gravity pulling down on the wing (similar to the sling and swathe technique used for humans with extremity fractures).
When I read this, I got this mental picture of antibiotic molecules, decked out in military gear— combat helmets & all— marching in formation... hep, hep, hep, hight, hep..... heading off to battle infection...:gig

But seriously, droy covered some really good points. Bluekote may yet be useful, but if you are going to the vet tomorrow , hold off using it until then.

Is the infected wound from the bite? Or did the bone puncture the skin? If it’s right where the break is, then you probably can’t say for sure which came first, the bite or the break....

If the broken end of the bone came thru the skin, or even if the break is just visible thru the wound... That is much more serious, and the duck will 100% need heavy doses of injectable antibiotics— a whole regiment of them! Or at least a regimen. Someone else will have to chime in with what works best for bone involvement. You’re going to want something very broad-spectrum.

If the wound goes into the muscle or if it just pulled the fascia (skin) away from the muscle, you need to flush that every day with BETADINE (Should be able to find it at any drug store or Walmart) diluted in enough cooled, boiled water to make a solution that resembles strong tea. After flushing, squirt some polysporin/neosporin/bacitracin- type ointment down into the hole, cover with gauze, and wrap the wing secured to the body as previously described. You want to make sure the bones are as close to being in the correct position, lined up, as possible before wrapping. You might need to use tongue-depressors, or something similar to sandwich the wing and keep it still.
Wrap the splint in place leaving yourself a way to still get to the wound to flush it if at all possible.
Btw, a single layer of vet-wrap over the feathers will let you use tape to hold things steadier without worrying how to get it back off without trauma.

Good luck!
When I read this, I got this mental picture of antibiotic molecules, decked out in military gear— combat helmets & all— marching in formation... hep, hep, hep, hight, hep..... heading off to battle infection...:gig

But seriously, droy covered some really good points. Bluekote may yet be useful, but if you are going to the vet tomorrow , hold off using it until then.

Is the infected wound from the bite? Or did the bone puncture the skin? If it’s right where the break is, then you probably can’t say for sure which came first, the bite or the break....

If the broken end of the bone came thru the skin, or even if the break is just visible thru the wound... That is much more serious, and the duck will 100% need heavy doses of injectable antibiotics— a whole regiment of them! Or at least a regimen. Someone else will have to chime in with what works best for bone involvement. You’re going to want something very broad-spectrum.

If the wound goes into the muscle or if it just pulled the fascia (skin) away from the muscle, you need to flush that every day with BETADINE (Should be able to find it at any drug store or Walmart) diluted in enough cooled, boiled water to make a solution that resembles strong tea. After flushing, squirt some polysporin/neosporin/bacitracin- type ointment down into the hole, cover with gauze, and wrap the wing secured to the body as previously described. You want to make sure the bones are as close to being in the correct position, lined up, as possible before wrapping. You might need to use tongue-depressors, or something similar to sandwich the wing and keep it still.
Wrap the splint in place leaving yourself a way to still get to the wound to flush it if at all possible.
Btw, a single layer of vet-wrap over the feathers will let you use tape to hold things steadier without worrying how to get it back off without trauma.

Good luck!
Thank you so much this was very helpful! I don't know that it's severely infected, it's definitely slightly infected I have been cleaning it daily. And re-wrapping. The duck still eats regularly and drinks.
you are in my prayers. i have cared for wounded feathered babies and it is a crushing pain.

by the way, my spouse told me when he moved in with me that I needed to tell my house insurance company that I have a dog because (although it does not change my premiums) they cover the costs of the dog attacking a neighbour's dog (or other such behaviour)

you might be able to get the neighbour's insurance to pay for the vet.

Maybe call YOUR insurance company and ask them how insurance works in your area before speaking with the neighbour. If it is 'no big deal' then maybe you can have that conversation calmly before you tell them you want that thing put down.

my prayers for you are many and sincere

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