*urgent* Egg bound- stomach split open


In the Brooder
May 21, 2024
I’m pretty sure she is egg bound.

Her tail has been down and not eating or moving for two days now.

I have done Epsom salt bath and used petroleum jelly around vent. Not sure what else to try.

Her stomach has split her skin open for maybe 4 inches. Believe can keep her alive if I can get the eggs out.
Vent looks blocked by poop or intestine. Not sure if I should try to push or pull it out? Been squirting warm water but still a solid block. Do I push it back? Her stomach skin is split like a pistachio 😟
See pictures attached


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Just layed her down for the night. No luck cleaning her out- not sure she would make it anyways?

If forum thinks I should try anything else I’ll go back out there. Thank you.
I’m very sorry about your hen. How is she doing this morning? If she is egg bound and/or prolapsed give her 600 mg of calcium plus D3 per day. Soaking in a warm epsom salt bath will also help with both the prolapse and the wound. It sounds like the egg could be stuck in the prolapse, this article may help you. You need to keep any protruding prolapse moist with ointment or honey or some kind of oil such as coconut oil so the tissue doesn’t dry out. The egg will likely need to come out before you can get the tissue to go back in. If you use honey it could help with swelling of the tissues, too. Do you know how her abdomen split? Keep the wound covered with antibiotic ointment after you clean it. Edited for clarity: To clean it, spray it with something such as sterile saline solution or vertericyn.
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Good morning Forum- my girl is still with us.
I am getting Epsom and calcium. Will post some better pictures within the hour. Appreciate the replies.
The calcium plus d3 will be in the human vitamin section of most grocery stores. Just pop the pill in her mouth whole, she should have no problem taking it. Sorry if you already know this, just want to give as much info as possible.

Also I just saw you are new here, welcome to BYC. I am sorry it is under these circumstances. We will help you anyway we can, tho.
The pictures do not give a clear view but so far to me it looks like a possibly necrotic pecked prolapse with loss of tissue underneath the vent area.

Did you see any maggots on her lower abdomen or in the water after bathing her?
Hello- here are additional pictures. Last night no maggots- found 3 today. I picked them out and moved her inside.

Still no egg, and not sure what to try. Been feeding / drinking and some poop, but the egg needs to come out.
Should I push my finger in her vent? Keep trying massage?
Thanks for your reply. - Josh


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