URGENT!!! HELP!! Baby chicks is Gasping as though it can't breathe!?

Please Help!
One of my silkie Chick is Gasping stretching out it's neck and it's eyes are closed!
I dontd knso what to do! It was fine just a half hour ago and when I came to check on it, it was Gasping, stretching it's neck out, closed eyes and Shaking it's head real hard, throwing itself around!
Immediate response!
You need to take it to the vet ASAP
Week old chicks need 85-90 degrees of heat with a cooler spot to escape to in their brooders. Check the chicks for signs of pasty butt, and make sure they are all drinking and eating well. If any seem lethargic or droopy, then give some electrolytes or a little sugar in the water. Sorry for your loss.
If it was choking, what was I supposed to do?
My brother massaging it's neck, feeling for clumps or something unusual, but found nothing, we looked in his mouth, nothing was there.
I want to prevent this next time, what are the options in case a chick isn't choking?
If it was choking, what was I supposed to do?
My brother massaging it's neck, feeling for clumps or something unusual, but found nothing, we looked in his mouth, nothing was there.
I want to prevent this next time, what are the options in case a chick isn't choking?
I don't think it was choking. Sometimes baby chicks lie down gasping right before they die. He could have gotten chilled, or maybe was sick for some other reason. By the time you see them lying down gasping with their eyes closed, it is already too late.
I agree, many chickens gasp before they die. Do you have them under some type of heat, though? Baby chicks need extra warmth to keep their body temps stable.
I agree, many chickens gasp before they die. Do you have them under some type of heat, though? Baby chicks need extra warmth to keep their body temps stable.
But this happened in the afternoon,
He just sucdsudd started gaspiGa while he was running around with his siblings.
My chicks aren't under any heat source. None of the chicks i've hand reared has ever been under a heat source.
They're in a box sleeping inside in a corner where it's warm. When they sleep, they cuddle up, even when it's hot outside in the day time, they're cuddling.
My chicks aren't under any heat source. None of the chicks i've hand reared has ever been under a heat source.
They're in a box sleeping inside in a corner where it's warm. When they sleep, they cuddle up, even when it's hot outside in the day time, they're cuddling.
Your chicks are cold. They need a heat source. The gasping one died because it was chilled. Sorry for your loss :(

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