urgent help, one chicken is dying and the others might follow


Jun 28, 2018
Hello to all,

This is my first post here but I have been reading the forum for a few months already, mainly topics related with advice for new chicken owners like me.

so, I am in trouble to post here.

I have bought 3 black australorp hens maybe 2 months ago, they were about 5 months old, they were not laying eggs when I got them. maybe one month later, only 2 of them started laying eggs. From 2 weeks ago only 1 chicken is laying eggs.

I had them sleeping in a small coop I got from amazon until yesterday (explanation ahead), made of PVC and wood and I think it works fine. since we have no predators here, the coop door is always open, even at night and they are free ranging in my backyard as they see fit. the backyard is like a little jungle, full of weeds, some dry some still green, flowers, trees, you name it. Some places the weeds are high that I cannot see the chickens but they seem to like it like that.

since first day, one of the hens (her name is Susete) showed signs of not being so active as the others (Lurdete and Lisete) and one eye was partially closed all the time, at some instances I even thought she was blind from that eye. from reading here, I washed her eye and I think it improved a lot. She was always scratching her neck but I never saw parasites there, and I looked a lot of times. This constant scratching eventually did not happened so often I thought it was from the feathers growing or something.

so, eventually they were all happy scratching and eating bugs and I was relieved even though Susete always showed signs of not being as active but I thought it was normal, thought it was her personality, when she see me she is always the first one to come running to me (maybe because I always bring some vegetables leftovers and things like that and they love it).

I also noticed that they are taking there dust baths since the backyard is full of little holes in the middle of the straw (dry weeds) that are on the ground.

3 days ago, I saw Susete barely standing, inflated feathers like a little ballon, moving like she was drunk or something, no strength, sleeping in the sun (and it was hot). sometimes she puts the wings to the ground to gain some balance, and then falls down. this was not normal so I gave her a quick inspection and some food and water (her crop was empty at the end of the day and I do not know why). When I held her I also noticed she is very skinny.

first reaction next day was to give bird vitamins in their water which they all had access, all drinked from that but Susete did not improve.

Was getting worried so then I talked with the person who I bought the birds from asking for advice and she said it was probably cocci so I kept going with the vitamins and added terramycin (not know better word in english for it), all in the same water, all of 3 chickens were drinking from that water.

but yesterday I was not happy with the results and was always hanging around the coop until dark to monitor her, that is when I saw the coop had lots of these little crawlers, I think they are lice? (see attachment)


So, yesterday night I pulverized all chickens with some powder specific for those but it was dark and did not put it around the vent or between the legs. this morning I grabbed Susete to see if there are eggs and skin inflamation but I did not see any signs of lice or mites or whatever. the skin is free of irritation, very pale skin.

This evening I talked with a veterinary who said that my chicken probably has Marek's disease because the symptoms, according to his diagnostic (made by phone, he did not saw the chicken but I went to him to bring the medicine for Marek and a treatment for the lice). This guy was helpful I think, did not laugh when I asked help with the chicken and pointed immediately to that disease. Saw some videos on youtube and it makes sense, almost guaranteed it is Marek.

Susete is isolated from the others since today evening so now she has vitamins, terramycin and the medicine for Marek disease. I also noticed she had diarrhea in the evening, maybe transparent yellow. Barely eaten all day, barely drank.

Both Lisete and Lurdete are sleeping outside the coop now since even today, after spraying it with a specific poison for these things, I still see them running around. the coop was pulverized twice.

I also made a tremendous first time owner mistake, the dropings from the coop I was throwing in the backyard so now I have the lice all over the place right? and the egg layer basket I was using the dry straw from the same backyard. another big mistake no?

after all this ends, the birds will all receive treatment for the lice/mites, I have it in a serynge already that the veterinary gave me, this will be mixed with water.

but I am so devastated, I needed to come here and talk to someone. I am Portuguese and over here chickens are not taken with too much care, it is like an animal that does not have the same rights as other pets and no one knows what to tell me everytime I ask questions. some even think I am joking when I show my preoccupation with my chickens..

I need some guidance as to what to do to prevent this from happening, I like the chickens so much but if I do not have the ideal conditions I even consider give them away to a good home. it really hurts me seeing one of my little queens dying slowly and maybe the others to follow.

I am worried what I do to make Susete eat and drink, Lisete maybe lost some weight (and stopped with the eggs), what do I do? Lurdete seems to be doing fine, layed one more egg today (it always gave me one egg since the first one, great chicken, she is also the leader of the flock).

Also important is that now both Lurdete and Lisete also scratch their head/neck.

What do I do to my backyard? try to remove all the dry weeds? Will this make a difference? What about the still alive lice in the coop? When can I open the door again. Both Lisete and Lurdete are sleeping in the middle of the weeds at the moment but maybe this is safer than inside the coop? :(


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What kind of powder are u using on them? I am not sure what is available over there in your area but I get Adams flea and tick spray for any mites and spray it all over my nesting boxes..roosts...everywhere the chickens go...spray down inside the pen and then put new clean hay in there for them...for lice I use sevin dust..I put some under their wings and on their whole backside-tail down to legs... I hope they get better soon...bugs are never fun to deal with...
Also...don't overmedicate...if she is taking some sort of meds for Marek's...don't give the terramycin with it...the electrolytes should still be fine to give her...i am not sure if it is Marek's or not...it doesn't really sound like it to me...but I am not a doctor. It sounds like the problem could be mites and possibly anemia due to the mites...this would cause her to be pale and act weak..
The powder I bought from a pet shop, it is specific to use on pets that have these kind of parasites.

But on the coop I bought another product since the powder is only 100 gram package. I diluted this other product with water and sprayed the whole coop twice yesterday.

I explained to the veterinary what I was giving to her and he said that was no problem to mix all up.

Well, she survived the night but it is still in the same spot she was yesterday and did not eat the melon and melon seeds I gave her as a treat. She used to love those, they always made a small fight for this before.

Will try to make her eat and drink something.

Susete can move when she wants I believe. I took her out of the cardboard box I had her into all night to cover the poop with paper, when one of my dogs showed up and she got scared a opened her wings and moved for like 2 meters before she stood still again (maybe spent all energy in this little escape). Maybe this isn't Marek afterall? anyway, the dog does no harm, he is blind and very slow due to being 17 years now.

I was able to get Susete to eat some food and drink some water. Here are some pictures.

Susete when I first saw she was not doing good 4 days ago:

Susete in the cardboard box corner, she was here all night. she only eats and drinks when I put them right in front of her beak.


and these are her buddies, Lisete on the right (someone tell me if she looks fine because she looks pale to me and stopped laying eggs for a couple of weeks now). Lurdete on the left, she always gives me an egg per day since the 1st one and is always very active. Lisete follows her everywhere.

and this is where they are exploring, like you see, this is like a small jungle to them. Is this ok or should I cut the weeds and clean the whole yard? some times I can not even see where they are.


these are the dry weeds I used on their nestbox until now. The nestbox is empty at the moment since I am afraid I might be introducing more lice inside the coop but they are using this spot for their dustbaths also. Can I keep using it or will need to get some wood shavings? The poop and weeds from the nestbox I am throwing in the yard (I know it was a mistake, they should have gone into the dustbin instead).

and the coop itself, it is fine for 3 or 4 birds, they sleep all cozy inside, sometimes the root is empty and they are all in the nestbox on top of each other. the roof has the remaining powder I used on the chickens, thought it might be good to help kill the lice. door always open for free range. and I also put some shades since the trees are still so small.

do you think I need a different approach? I thought I was doing fine until this disease happened.

and also, please someone confirm if these are lice?
Now it seems she want to eat but cannot measure distances properly so she misses the target but still chews without food inside its mouth. What do I have to do?
and also, please someone confirm if these are lice?
View attachment 1449057[/QUOTE]

No they are not lice
"The entire life cycle of these pests occurs on the fowl, which makes them fairly easy to control, since they don’t live in dirt and wood or in intermediary hosts like beetle larvae. Lice can live only a couple of days off of their host, so even in the worst infestations, a thorough coop cleaning and ridding them from the birds, will take care of the problem."
If you birds are taking dust baths any external parasites are kept in check and shouldn't be a problem. Your birds that are OK look fine, do not look like they have a lice problem. I suspect that over treatment causes as many chicken problems as disease and parasites.
Probably your hen has Marek's so isolating her to prevent infecting others is good, but treatment I think is futile
http://www.thepoultrysite.com/diseaseinfo/90/mareks-disease/ This article says Treatment - none
Personally I would cull her. Very likely she will die and failure to cull will extend her suffering. And if she lives she will probably be a carrier, infecting other birds.
"Unfortunately there is currently no treatment/cure for Marek’s disease. Depending on the severity of the disease, some birds can be conservatively managed and do not require culling. However, they will remain carriers of the disease for the rest of their lives."
I recommend you get "The Chicken Health Handbook" by Gail Daemerow. Read it through once so you have a familiarity of all that is in there and then use it as your first reference.
caught a beetle and gave it to her out of despair to see if she gets some protein, she seems she wants to eat it and tries the movement to peck it but she quits in the middle and chews with an empty beak.

so sad to see this. the beetle now burrowed in its food, will have to search for it.

sometimes I can manage her to drink, it seems she only accepts when the drinker is in a certain angle with her head so I really suspect she has a vision problem. in fact, she always seemed to have a vision problem like trying to get a pellet and completely failing, catching a different pellet instead, her head sideways if it makes sense.

culling already crossed my mind, I believe in euthanasia so this is starting to make sense in my gut.

How many days should one wait when trying something like me? if we count the day I saw her falling appart, it is the 4th day already but veterinary "treatment" only started yesterday night and she did not drink it. only this morning she drank and only small sips. she also lied down and ate some food but not much.

the vet was very open and said that the majority of these cases ends in death so I am torn now.
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Just made the call to the vet, after explaining that besides the start of the treatment only made 24h, the animal is not showing any improvement and is has been like this for 3 days now.

Was trying to feed her again, she actually grabbed a pellet food for some times but then she drops them and chews with empty beak. She drank a bit more but without food she will keep going down.

So we are going to cull it today. So sad but it is for the best I believe. I am very animal friendly and watching them suffer is something I really do not bear.

Thanks to all who helped me over here.

I also got wood shavings today so the other chickens will go again inside the coop.

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