URGENT: Injured roo


Aug 26, 2021
Northern Utah
The wind blew the coop door shut and the neighbour’s roo didn’t wait for me to put everyone up for the night. He roosts in a tree somewhere and has been hanging out with my girls during the day. At some point, he must have tried to fly our fence and got his leg stuck between the slats. He’s been hung up for who knows how long and we just got him down, but he’s not able to walk. No broken bones from what I can tell, but I’m concerned about slipped tendons

Is there anything I can do for him? I’ve notified our neighbour and they’ll see my call when they’re off work (RN), he’s in our brooder to keep him from hurting himself further

Hopefully his legs and muscles are just strained. Confinement and rest will be the cure if that is the case. I'm concerned that it appears as if he has scaly leg mites. If so, your flock very likely has them also.
Hopefully his legs and muscles are just strained. Confinement and rest will be the cure if that is the case. I'm concerned that it appears as if he has scaly leg mites. If so, your flock very likely has them also.
Both legs or just the right? It’s pretty roughed up from the fence, but I’ll definitely check it out closer and treat if needed 😕 Thank you!
Sling chairs can be helpful while recovering from an injury to legs. He may or may not fight it, but if he will, it might help while he recovers. When chickens get caught and hang, they can fight and injure themselves, or suffer from blood circulation. There also could be nerve involvement. Hopefully he will improve inna few days with rest. Make sure that he can get to food and water. Keep him separate, but wire dog crates or a sling chair can be kept near other chickens for company. The leg mites look like they need treated as well.
Sling chairs can be helpful while recovering from an injury to legs. He may or may not fight it, but if he will, it might help while he recovers. When chickens get caught and hang, they can fight and injure themselves, or suffer from blood circulation. There also could be nerve involvement. Hopefully he will improve inna few days with rest. Make sure that he can get to food and water. Keep him separate, but wire dog crates or a sling chair can be kept near other chickens for company. The leg mites look like they need treated as well.
Thank you so much for all the info! Luckily we’re in for some cooler days and he’ll be much more comfortable while recovering 🤞🏼
Interestingly the leg that was caught seems to be supporting him well, the other leg is curled toes and I’m not sure how much weight he can put on it. Much better attitude from him though, feeling livelier and crowing away

After being confined to his coop/pen, Rocky seems to have made a full recovery 🎉 He has already zipped himself back over and was waiting impatiently for “his” ladies to be let into the run this morning

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