Wounded goose


May 27, 2024
Sooo…I came yesterday morning from my 24 hour shift and one of my 3 month old Chinese geese was letting his wing hang lower than the other. It didn’t seem to be displaced like angel wing or anything. They’re cooped at night, 4 runner ducks and the two geese. I have five hens and a rooster in a separate coop. I assembled any supplies I thought I would possibly need to be prepared for whatever the issue was so we’d only have to catch him once. Well, we found a puncture wound under his feathers on the wing….and I’m thinking the rooster might be responsible. We don’t have a predator issue and I can’t think of anywhere he’d injure himself like that around our property. I checked all the bones and joints for crepitus or deformity, dislocations etc and didn’t find anything else. I irrigated with hibiclens (wound/surgical soap), applied a little vet rx and quite a bit of hen healer ointment. I used Coban tape to wrap the wing and then I wrapped the wing against the body. Now he’s in the coop. Mad. But I just wanted to keep him confined for a couple of days. My question….finally…I have antibiotics I can give, does anyone else think it might be necessary? I know it can’t hurt, but….looking for a little consensus. Thanks yall!
PS….please don’t be mean 😊As for the rooster, we keep his spurs taped so he doesn’t damage the hen’s feathers but he’s out grown his tape in the last few days so they’re poking out a little. He does his job, hes a good boy, he’s an animal and I know things like this are bound to happen.
Welcome to BYC. It sounds like you did a good job cleaning it. What antibiotics do you have?
Thank you!
I have bactrim, erythromycin and amoxicillin. I had keflex but had to use it for the dog a couple of months ago. I know none of the first three are ideal for wounds, but maybe something is better than nothing? He’s doing ok this morning with his wing still immobilized…cruising the yard (I let him out because it was stressing his sister).

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