URGENT: Mother Rejected Chick, should I remove the rest of the eggs?


Jan 2, 2020
So I just had an egg hatch last night by broody mother. She has regected the chick. I have one who has already cracked the outer shell and will be out in the next 24 hours, and some more that are not far behind. Should I buy an incubator for these last few days, or keep an eye on her and get them as they hatch. Should I give her a chance to raise the rest ? Any advice is welcome!
How long do I do that for it to be sure? How often to I check?
The chick is born with nutrients enough for 48 hours.
Her nest should be kept dark and quiet and undisturbed during this time. I only lift my broody about once a day during this time to remove egg shells. Make sure she can bring chicks off the nest to eat (chick starter) and drink safely. She might wait until day 2 to do this.
So, this happened last year with my broody and I don't think I had an incubator so I let them hatch and then immediately took them away before they could be harmed.
I'm interested in other people's experiences too. I had a pekin (bantam cochin) go broody about a week after i set my incubator for a staggered hatch. put the first chick under her about 2 weeks in- hated it, wouldn't let it under her while it moved and peeped (was happy overnight while it was quiet and still). Took that chick out and started brooding it, same thing happened a couple of days later when i tried her again. I had left her with 1 egg under her as we've been having summer storms here so i thought she might make a good backup for the last eggs if the power goes out. That chick hatched last night. it's been a little rocky this morning, but i think she might have accepted this one (3rd time lucky). I'm watching her closely though and ready to pull the chick if she becomes too violent.
I'm lucky enough to have my lady in the laundry so i can check every 5 mins if i want (and probably have been...) also filled a hot water bottle and put it in there in case the chick got rejected and needed warmth and i didn't notice.

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