!!!URGENT!!! Neighbors dog killed all of my ducks. This is not the first time.

I wouldn’t doubt it at all. This dog is a massive pit, so he’s very agile and strong. I’ll check at my farm store next time I run by. Thank you.
A pitbull in Kentucky? According to https://worldpopulationreview.com/state-rankings/pitbull-legal-states you cannot legally own a pitbull in Kentucky:

Not sure about the details, but your neighbor might be breaking the law.
While I’m here, I wanted to make a final post for my babies.

The Swedish Blue was the male, the other three were females. I got so lucky with the random M/F ratio!

This was my first experience with ducks and I couldn’t have asked for a better group. They made me so incredibly happy and it was such a joy to watch them grow. Rest in peace. <3
Beautiful Ducks! 💔
This is also a good idea - keeping them inside also.... they were diapers too! :lol:
Keeping chickens and ducks inside is in most cases harmful for them. Birds need room to develop their natural behaviour, foraging, (dust-)bathing, scratching, drilling holes,…
Currently i have to keep my duck flock away from their beloved pond and they are confined to a large area around the house and they are not happy with that, see them complaining here:
Yet it is for their own safety as i have to cut trees and shrubs around the pond, its for my injured Blanca Duck who is sitting in a hospital-box and would be lonely and it is to train them to sleep in their house instead on the pond. (I like to have at least some eggs for me...)
Disclaimer. This is overkill solution, but will provide a lot of peace of mind without creating a lifetime long war with your neighbors.

If you have some land in your property, building a big pond will made the ducks much happier, healthier and much more safe against predators. Specially if is deep enough and you put a small island in the center and dense shrubs. Will remove a lot of your daily chores with the ducks like adding fresh water to drink day after day or cleaning faeces; and will provide also free food for the ducks.

Ponds are not for every garden, but can be also very beautiful if marsh flowers and shrubs are left grow, and also protect the house from wildfires. Ducks will happily ruin a small pond in a week but middle size and large will be fine.

Cons: Small toddlers need to be watched near water at any time, some mosquitoes will appear and some frog species can be noisy
It is still not safe for the ducks to sleep on a pond, because they won't stay on the water the whole night. I speak out of experience, my ducks decided last year to stay on their pond and some have disappeared since then. If you love your ducks, train them to stay in their predator safe house from dusk to dawn. They can stay the whole day ion their pond, but overnight it is not safe. Raccoons and foxes can swim too.
Even premier1 is not claiming their fences are protecting against predators:

Why is electric netting so popular?​

  • Arrives to your door as a complete, preassembled fence. Line posts are built in to each roll.
  • Keeps in adult poultry.
  • Keeps out ground-based predators (if properly energized) like dogs, coyotes, raccoons, skunks, foxes, opossums and bear. This is right off Premier 1 website?

Electric fences are designed to keep the birds in!
This is not true as birds' feathers insulate the bird, and they can walk right through fencing touching the wire with no affect. It's the small spacing in the fencing that keeps birds in and the electric shock keeps predators out.
Yes, I’m hesitant to hurt any animal. I have a gun, but I just don’t know if I could do it.
Anyone in your household that could?
Animal control doesn't sound like they're gonna do anything. Owner surely isn't at this point. It's up to you. You can jump through hoops and spend time and money for something that may work or you can be done with this.
This hasn't been a one time occurrence.

Why is electric netting so popular?​

  • Arrives to your door as a complete, preassembled fence. Line posts are built in to each roll.
  • Keeps in adult poultry.
  • Keeps out ground-based predators (if properly energized) like dogs, coyotes, raccoons, skunks, foxes, opossums and bear. This is right off Premier 1 website?

This is not true as birds' feathers insulate the bird, and they can walk right through fencing touching the wire with no affect. It's the small spacing in the fencing that keeps birds in and the electric shock keeps predators out.
Ask my dux! - When they see me putting out that white poly-wire they know to stay away from that. I use single strains to keep them out of my veggie garden and they learned the hard way not to touch those white lines. On the other hand i had deer, just knocking down the fence posts to get to my cabbage…
Electric fences are a deterrent (and a very good one!) but not a true obstacle.
Anyone in your household that could?
Animal control doesn't sound like they're gonna do anything. Owner surely isn't at this point. It's up to you. You can jump through hoops and spend time and money for something that may work or you can be done with this.
This hasn't been a one time occurrence.
Animal control just wants to stay out of trouble…

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