!!!URGENT!!! Neighbors dog killed all of my ducks. This is not the first time.

Oh those irresponsible dog owners! (I have shed plenty of tear over my lost ducks…)
No money in the world can replace your beloved pets! 💔
As your neighbors are of the learning-resistant kind, there is only one way to deal with them:
I am sure that Kentucky, being the horse-farm state, has some very strict laws against feral dogs. Yes, feral dogs! As soon as a dog is outside the owner's property it is considered to be a feral dog - unless it is wearing its registration tag...
There will be a plethora of laws and regulations that you can use to get those neighbors into more trouble they can bear.
For starters, have you or anybody in your household been injured, even scratched by that dog? [Or do you have scratches on you arms and legs that could be from a dog? 😉]
Present yourself at the nearest urgent care and tell them your neighbors dog has injured you and that you need to know that dog's vaccination records, especially for rabies. The law requires the urgent care clinic to call animal-control, which then has to send an officer to the dog's owners investigating the records. Should they not have vaccination records, the dog is being seized immediately and put into quarantine and the owners receive a hefty fine. And by the way, they have to pay for the quarantine...

I found an interesting link for you:
KRS § 39F.040; KRS § 258.005 - 991; 150.390 (the fourth box on that page)
»Under Section 258.235, any person may kill or seize any dog which he sees in the act of pursuing or wounding any livestock, or wounding or killing poultry, or attacking human beings, whether or not such dog bears the license tag required by the provisions of this chapter. «
We have a similar law here in WV and the two irresponsible neighbors that i have confronted with that were shocked and scared.
One neighbor constructed a kennel for their dogs, the other one sadly did nothing with dire consequences: Their dogs ran on the road and caused an accident, resulting in one person being airlifted to the hospital. I hope they have a good insurance for their dogs…
Yes, I’m in Mississippi & according to the law here, any animal or human that is endangering my family, pets, or food supply, I can use force to protect.
We have hunting dogs that stray onto our property at times & if any we’re attempting to catch or harm my chickens I would take quick & drastic measures to not only protect my flock but I also to ensure that the attacking animal would not return & also the owner would be sure to restrain their animals from coming onto my property.
In the event of an attack, a lawsuit in small claims court is always an option. However, this can be time consuming & there is always the possibility of not winning the case. If a suit is your option, you can claim not only the monetary value of said pet, but any amount in the feed, vet & upkeep of this pet/pets for their complete lifetime. This can become quite costly for the owner of an animal that destroys your flock.
If you have a good electric fence it will stop a bear most of the time. Do some research and get the strongest one you can afford.
An electric fence will stop a curious bear most of the time. I would not be so sure about a hungry bear… And, you cannot compare bears with dogs. Bears are solitary living hunter and gatherers, whereas dogs often hunt in packs and have more will to get to their prey at all cost.
As for »get the strongest one« - careful! You might end up on the wrong side of your own fence and as a result need fresh underwear… just talking from experience. 😳
Its the bullets that start the wars
Triple "S": Shoot Shovel Shut up!
For what it is worth, I'm in the solve for peace in the flock camp. Peace in the flock, peace in the herd, peace in the pack, peace in the neighborhood. If talking, law, etc doesn't solve it then build a fence. A better fence in this case.

Searching the internet or libraries or asking at land grant college extension offices will get information on fences to protect sheep from dogs. That is likely to get the most practical ways to effectively fence dogs out.
And then there's locations where it is almost impossible to construct a dependable fence due to just two feet of soil over solid rock, steep grades and underground water flow…
With the correct fence charger, there isn’t an animal or a human that it can’t keep out. I’ve been shocked by the weaker fence chargers & they hurt but when shopping for one, the higher the Jules, the more amps of output & some of them are stronger enough to knock a running deer flat.
I wrote that earlier: Careful! You may end up on the wrong side of your own fence and need fresh underwear. At least…
Just a thought. It may be legal to shoot a dog on your property that's killing, chasing or maiming your animals BUT is it safe or legal to fire a weapon if there are heighbors doghoot a nouses, schools or other inhabited buildings or traffic within a certain distance of where you are shooting from? Safety takes precedence. You can not shoot the dog if your neighbor's house is so close you would be putting them in danger.
Fences are dogs best friends.

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