URGENT please help


In the Brooder
Apr 7, 2021
I have a few doves and I checked up on them today and I saw one that got bitten or scratched by a cat? Her whole chest area is open she still alive it’s been about a 7 hours she drinks water but doesn’t eat we wrapped her in medical bandages but since she get in water and drinks it falls apart and she’s starts bleeding when she doesn’t let us change the bandages.i have no idea if she’s gonna survive the night it looks like she can,I live in a small town so there’s no rescue for birds really.


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Make sure that her crop has not been ripped open. Depending upon the size of the wound, it may be necessary to stitch or glue it together. The bird looks pretty shocky.
Make sure that her crop has not been ripped open. Depending upon the size of the wound, it may be necessary to stitch or glue it together. The bird looks pretty shocky.
I don’t think her crop is open, and then with what glue do you recommend me to glue it together.yeah I didn’t think it was that bad till I got a closer look.
If food or water is spilling out then the crop is torn. Or are you saying she messes up the bandages by drinking and getting them wet?
Regular superglue works. Be very careful not to get it anywhere near the bird’s eyes, I would cover them with something just to be safe. If you suspect the dove was attacked by a cat you should take it to a vet as cat wounds almost always result in infection to the bird.
If food or water is spilling out then the crop is torn. Or are you saying she messes up the bandages by drinking and getting them wet?
Regular superglue works. Be very careful not to get it anywhere near the bird’s eyes, I would cover them with something just to be safe. If you suspect the dove was attacked by a cat you should take it to a vet as cat wounds almost always result in infection to the bird.
her crop wasn’t open,yes she would get the bandages wet by drinking water.i had put her inside in a small cage, and went to go buy super glue that same day when I came back She looked a little worse she had her eyes closed she didn’t look as active as she did a few hours away.I was afraid she wasn’t gonna survive the night and she didnt. I stayed awake with her and around 4 she passed.
I have a few doves and I checked up on them today and I saw one that got bitten or scratched by a cat? Her whole chest area is open she still alive it’s been about a 7 hours she drinks water but doesn’t eat we wrapped her in medical bandages but since she get in water and drinks it falls apart and she’s starts bleeding when she doesn’t let us change the bandages.i have no idea if she’s gonna survive the night it looks like she can,I live in a small town so there’s no rescue for birds really.
I’m sorry that the dove passed. Are the other doves in a predator-safe cage? If a cat can reach through the bars, the cage may need to be wrapped in hardware cloth or brought inside for the other doves’ safety.
I’m sorry that the dove passed. Are the other doves in a predator-safe cage? If a cat can reach through the bars, the cage may need to be wrapped in hardware cloth or brought inside for the other doves’ safety
I’m sorry that the dove passed. Are the other doves in a predator-safe cage? If a cat can reach through the bars, the cage may need to be wrapped in hardware cloth or brought inside for the other doves’ safety.
Yes they are.During the night we cover the cages with a 2 blankets and a tarp,we also use the stretchy bands that have hooks at the end to keep it still. we’ve thought of bringing them inside just that there cages are big since there like 30 of them and I also have dogs but we’re currently hunting for a bird house shed!!

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