URGENT... red bloody mass...Farting chicken? Insides are out?

That's rough. I used to work in field biology and when we had to euthanize birds (non-native eradication) the biologist I worked with found the most humane way was "chest compression". He had been doing it for years, many different ways and felt this was best, it's probably what I would do too. Basically, if you put pressure on the chest to prevent it from expanding they can't breath and they just pass out and die. It doesn't take too long and it doesn't really take any pressure, just a firm hold and you can hold her and pet her while she "falls asleep". It sounds horrible, I know, but is there really any good way to do it?
I have also heard of putting salt on a prolapse to shrink it down, don't know if it works? But I agree, chances are that it will come back.
The wind sounds like a ruptured air sac maybe? Sorry to hear about your girl.

starter fluid or a sharp axe are both good options. Aside from a vet.
Well I tried the feed stores in WA & OR and you cannot get euthenasia stuff there, strict laws. We gave her a dropper of whiskey and aspirin thinkng the same, it would put her to "sleep". But it didn't work, she just stood there drank a bunch of water, threw up the water and then ate her food. The prolapse came out again, we put it back in again... I do think she is not going to recover... she looks miserable. My husband said that if she is not any better tomorrow he'll do what needs to be done... maybe we'll try that compression thing. We both just feel awful killing anything... even a mercy kill.... darn it.
Hi from Vancouver,

Sorry to hear you are going thru this. We are too. Our 6 month Buff Orpington has prolapsed, although not as bad as yours. But she is in a separate coop by herself now, to keep herself from laying, so hopefully tomorrow we will be able to get some prep H on her to get it to shrink some, and get it back inside her. Otherwise we may have to put her down.

Just in case you need to know, St. Francis Emergency Vet in Orchards treats chickens. They are off of 117th and SR 500 by Taco Bell. They are 24hrs too, so please call them and see what they say. They may be able to help you out.

I will be thinking about you and your girl tonight!

Good luck!
Thank you from Vancouver, I will see what I can find out. I am so sorry for you too, it is so horrible. It just breaks your heart. I will keep you and your hen in my prayers and thoughts as well.
I had to put a silkie down once and used the head dislocation method which is supposed to be as painless for them as possible. If you hold the body tightly and quickly hyper extend the head, it will kill them quickly. They will flap for a short time[reflex] but then it is over. I am so sorry for your hen. Best wishes and hugs.....
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Any vet will euthanize the bird. The most humane thing to do is to get her in and put down right away. Sounds like prolapse. the longer the tissue is out the more unsuccessfull any treatment will be. If you have a shelter nearby they will euthanize. I have used starter fluid to euthanize before, but just with chicks.

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