URGENT - Should I put my chicken down?


In the Brooder
Aug 16, 2023
Hi all,

I'm a newbie chicken owner. I have 6 chickens that are now 7 weeks old. A few weeks ago I made a post about one of my chickens that was limping.

Long story short, I ended up taking her to our local vet. They do not specialize in chickens, but we live in a rural area so they have treated chickens before.

Anyway, they offered to do an X-Ray but I didn't do that - she was treated with antibiotics and pain medication, and we gave it a week, a "wait and see" approach. There was no improvement. After that, we (the vet and I) decided to try a splint and come back in a week.

Well, I just came back from that appointment and things are 1000% times worse. Now, she won't bend or move her leg at all. She doesn't really move her toes so there appears to be nerve damage. She also has a fever of 108 degrees. The vet referred me to an exotics vet who I could try seeing, but she seemed to think the best thing to do would be to euthanize her.

Hopefully you all can understand, I am very upset about this and I'm struggling with the decision. Can anything be done at this point? She is eating and drinking normally. She likes to be with the flock, although she is isolated at the moment. I want to know I did all I can for her.
What is wrong with the leg? Is it deformed? Has she always limped? Do you know why she has a fever?
Thanks for your fast response. I appreciate it. The leg is just all crooked. She was limping when she was probably 2-3 weeks old, but I didn't know what to do so I thought maybe it was just a sprain. It kept getting worse.

Before, she walked with the leg sort of going across her body. Now, she won't put weight on it, it's like it's frozen. I don't know why she has a fever, although the hock is swollen. She had antibiotics for a week, and did not have a fever at that time.
Normal chicken body temperature ranges 105-107, so I wouldn't stress too much over 108 unless she's lethargic and unresponsive. Hot weather, stress, etc. can affect the temperature.

Looking at your other thread, again - the chick may have a leg bone deformity which generally cannot be treated or corrected.

The swelling of the joint may be infection and a different antibiotic may be needed to fight it.
You don't mention what antibiotic or dose your vet prescribed.

If you can get a current video of her and her leg that may be helpful.

Here's your other thread https://www.backyardchickens.com/threads/pic-video-4-week-old-chick-with-limping-swelling.1595054/
@picklestheduck @Wyorp Rock Thank you both again. Here is a picture of her leg. As you can see it is almost like.. behind her. She doesn't bend it and I can't bend it either. When given the chance she tries to get around, but definitely struggles and doesn't bend the leg. I can't bend it either.

I really just don't know what to do. I don't want her to suffer but I don't want to put her down unnecessarily.

Edited to add, I don't remember what the antibiotic was... I just know it was a powder I had to mix up, 1/8th tsp 2x a day for 1 week.

Here is a link to a video of her:


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Likely a leg bone deformity.
Some are able to adapt and thrive, but often chicks like this fail to thrive due to not being able to get to food/water. As they get older and heavier, their "good leg" is unable to support them, so they can become immobile.

Hard to know what to do. Since you are consulting a vet, have them give their opinion on how to proceed.
You could do the X-RAY to confirm a leg bone deformity. The exotic vet may be able to do surgery or help with some sort of supportive device so she can get around better. She is likely to need a lot of supportive care one way or the other.

I think most birds with this issue die because they can’t access food or water or because the other birds turn on them or trample them.
I am not saying this is what happened to your chicken in this case but thought I would mention it so it may help someone in the future. Do not put chicks on newspaper or anything slippery, there legs can get out of place and it is something they cannot correct. My mom told me this when I was getting my chicks in the spring, my dad raised chickens for 40 years and she said he learned that the hard way. Hope your chicken comes around.
Hi all,

I'm a newbie chicken owner. I have 6 chickens that are now 7 weeks old. A few weeks ago I made a post about one of my chickens that was limping.

Long story short, I ended up taking her to our local vet. They do not specialize in chickens, but we live in a rural area so they have treated chickens before.

Anyway, they offered to do an X-Ray but I didn't do that - she was treated with antibiotics and pain medication, and we gave it a week, a "wait and see" approach. There was no improvement. After that, we (the vet and I) decided to try a splint and come back in a week.

Well, I just came back from that appointment and things are 1000% times worse. Now, she won't bend or move her leg at all. She doesn't really move her toes so there appears to be nerve damage. She also has a fever of 108 degrees. The vet referred me to an exotics vet who I could try seeing, but she seemed to think the best thing to do would be to euthanize her.

Hopefully you all can understand, I am very upset about this and I'm struggling with the decision. Can anything be done at this point? She is eating and drinking normally. She likes to be with the flock, although she is isolated at the moment. I want to know I did all I can for her.
If she is eating a drinking fine i wouldn’t think she has any sickness. I‘ve honesty never heard of antibiotics helping a chicken that already was having problems. I’d personally try putting some organic with mother apple cider vinegar and some garlic in her water and using “thePoultryStore” powdered herbs in her food watered down. I’ve used this method with a ton of sick chickens with a 100% success rate. It usually takes a ton of time for messed up legs n limps to heal tho. I’ve also had a run in with a chicken that seemed to have either encephalitis or fowl cholera in our meat bird flock and once that took her ability to walk i got her back to acting normal but i was too impatient to see if she would walk again and only really gave her a week before had to let her go literally bcuz i just don’t have time I’m managing like 4 flocks rn. Idk if she’s suffering just do what you gotta but go a natural route n see if she shows improvement. It really depends how attached you are. Sorry to hear this
Thank you all for your replies. For some reason I was not getting notifications of the replies so I'm sorry I didn't chime in sooner. @choppedliver @lagrange chicks @Lillith37 @Wyorp Rock. I really do appreciate your kindness and taking the time to reply.

Here's where I'm at right now. I want to keep this thread updated to help any future chicken owners who might be scouring the internet for similar stories, like I did. :) Sometimes people post and run and we never know the outcome.

I just don't have the heart to put her down ATM. We only have 6 chicks and I'm home a lot so I don't mind giving her extra care when needed. I want to give her a chance.

Anyway, I have an appointment with an exotic vet on Friday - hoping that can get pushed sooner. The original vet said not to wait too long but she seems to be doing OK so I would like to at least get a second opinion. I have to be careful with the skin, she is starting to get some abrasions, and while I put some Hen Healer on it, it rubs off. I tried wrapping the hock in some gauze very loosely but who knows if that will stay on.

She is still eating and drinking and I am also giving her pain meds that I have from the vet. Will keep you updated after the appointment.

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