Urgent! Sick chick!


10 Years
Mar 29, 2013
Columbus, OH
I have a chick that arrived yesterday, so probably hatched tues-weds. She appeared dead under the light when checked on at 11 am, eyes shut, lethargic. I dipped her beak in the water several times, and she does appear to be getting more alert, and definitely stronger, but still very very weak.

All her order-mates are thriving.

I can't figure out if shes hot, cold, or something else. If you put her directly under the light she flops her way away, and looks to be breathing faster than the others? She is currently the same distance from the light as the others.
I have a chick that arrived yesterday, so probably hatched tues-weds. She appeared dead under the light when checked on at 11 am, eyes shut, lethargic. I dipped her beak in the water several times, and she does appear to be getting more alert, and definitely stronger, but still very very weak.

All her order-mates are thriving.

I can't figure out if shes hot, cold, or something else. If you put her directly under the light she flops her way away, and looks to be breathing faster than the others? She is currently the same distance from the light as the others.
Rapid breathing is a sign of stress... possibly system failure.

Do you have vitamins and electrolytes in the water?

Dipping is often useless for those who aren't thriving, They require a drip to the beak below the nostrils and will swallow whet it rolls around into the mouth. I will do it every 20 minutes.

Poultry nutri drench sold at feed stores is a good choice. A drop straight to the beak *can* do wonders. Still, not all chicks make it... even when I hatch at home sometimes. :hmm

Is she able to move out of the way when others bump?

Rapid breathing is a sign of stress... possibly system failure.

Do you have vitamins and electrolytes in the water?

Dipping is often useless for those who aren't thriving, They require a drip to the beak below the nostrils and will swallow whet it rolls around into the mouth. I will do it every 20 minutes.

Poultry nutri drench sold at feed stores is a good choice. A drop straight to the beak *can* do wonders. Still, not all chicks make it... even when I hatch at home sometimes. :hmm

Is she able to move out of the way when others bump?


I did try the nutridrench earlier, but sadly she passed a little bit ago. I know that I've got a probability of losing chicks, and I even expect it, but it still sucks.

Thank you for your advice.

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