Hello everyone, it’s Nicole, AKA PetDuck!!! Long time no see :) Disclaimer, this might get long.

I randomly thought about this website, as I do when I think of Quackers, and was shocked I was able to find my old account! What a walk down memory lane! And, geez, thanks for never critiquing my awful 12-year-old grammar lol!

I’m not sure if this is the best place to put this update but didn’t think this warranted a whole new thread so I’ll just put it here. If even one of the amazing people who helped me in this thread, or others, sees this that would be the coolest. It’s been about 6 years since I last posted and 10 since I created PetDuck, so I’m not sure if anyone will remember and that’s fine lol. Just wanted to express my gratitude!!

I’m sad to report that I unfortunately lost Quackers 4 years ago. I was looking forward to spending many more years with her than I got but I am beyond grateful for the years I did get. I thought I would lose her to reoccurring EYP, she did get it another time but because of the advice all of you gave me I was able to act quickly and she recovered so fast! One morning I went out to sit in the sun with her while I did homework, and later that afternoon when I went back out all I found were feathers. The yard was secure so it wasn’t dogs, I suspect it was a hawk or possibly the huge owl that prowled our neighborhood. I never even considered them a threat because she was a chunky gal, but ain’t that just the way it goes! I wish I had a happier update. But she was so, SO, loved!!! By me, my family, the neighborhood kids, and of course the amazing people on this forum.

I was 12 when I found that egg in the park and started researching how to incubate it. I am 22 now and just wanted to let you know that the people who helped me here are still in my heart and always will be. I was a homeschooled kid in a new town with no friends and Quackers was a little gift from God in my eyes. She was my best friend and she changed my life. She helped get me through hard times and she brought me immeasurable joy. I absolutely can not express how grateful I am for your help because I could not have done it without you. Without your advice and support she wouldn’t have survived her EYP and lived 4 more happy years after that. I would’ve lost my best friend. Heck, without your advice I probably wouldn’t have even been able to convince my parents to let me keep her when she was a baby!

I can’t think of her without thinking of the people on this forum who helped me raise and care for her. Who gave me emotional support, sage advice, and helpful suggestions. Who cried with me and laughed with me. Who went to such great lengths to help us in any way they could. You hold such a special place in my heart, truly. You’re absolutely incredible and I hope you are getting all of the blessings you deserve. It touches my heart in such a special way that there are so many kind strangers out there that were willing to help me and my fluff. What an incredible corner of the internet this is!!!

I just wanted to say thank you again and let you know how much your help still means to me. And let you know that it’s because of you I got to spend 6 years with the most amazing little animal I’ve ever met. I wish I could give you all a big hug. Sending love from the bottom of my heart, and I hope you’re doing amazing!

P.S. I now live in Louisiana with my boyfriend, and I cannot wait until we buy a home so we can finally get ourselves a couple of duckies!!! Or three. Or four 😂. And I know just the place to go when I need some advice ❤️

Obligatory picture of the late muddy-faced angel:

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