URGENT - Swollen abdomen, diarrhea, infection? Antibiotic dose?

You may syringe the dose into her orally. However, both Duramycin and ocytetracycline are mostly used for respiratory diseases. I have doubts either would be very effective against a serious bacterial infection such as in EYP even though both are consider broad spectrum. They just aren't that good at the type of bacteria usually associated with EYP.

I suggest you order a more effective antibiotic from any of the many online pharmacies. KVsupply, Jedds, Valley Vet, are just a few that I've used. I've had good luck with Cephalexin for reproductive infections.
Tractor Supply has -https://www.tractorsupplyrx.com/aqua-mox-amoxicillin-52208.html, this is a replacement item for the FishAmox, they also have a Cephalexin, which @azygous says has been effective for treatment of reproductive infections (and this makes sense, as this is commonly used to treat urinary tract infections in humans.). They ship.

Different antibiotics are more or less effective on different bacteria and injectables are not intended to be delivered orally and could be potentially dangerous. Different medications are intended to be delivered in the manner that they will be best absorbed. It may be be worth find a vet, even if you have to travel further, just to be on the safe side, until you get more experience. I am new to chickens too, I grew up on a dairy farm and worked in the human medical industry, so I have a lot to learn too.

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