urgent!! Wounded chicken--fox attack... UPDATE, new problem...

There are instructions in this thread for making your own electrolyte solution:


Polysporin on the wounds would have been fine, or most any antibiotic ointment. Even the kind with pain killer is fine, if the pain killer is pamoxine. What you can't use on a chicken is any of the "caine" ingredients, such as lidocaine, benzocaine, etc.

Many on here would have given penicillin or Tylan for a puncture wound, but it's probably a bit late for that now.

And here are two links to information on poo:


Depending upon how deep the puncture wounds are, she may need oral or injectible antibiotic to beat back infection, i.e., the topical alone may not do the trick (for topical I use neosporin with no pain relief ingredient).
For pain, if she is not actively bleeding and you don't suspect internal injuries, you can put a fresh bowl of water out changed at least once daily with 1 baby aspirin crushed in it (no substitutes unless confirmed to be okay for chickens). (usual dose here on BYC is five regular 325 mg aspirins per gallon of water which is roughly 1 baby aspirin per cup of water)
Electrolytes for shock, though as noted, you may be past that point now. Use the actual recipe given or Pedialyte/Gatorade in a pinch, not anything less than these things.
Rescue Remedy for stress - a drop or two in water - you may also be past that point now.
Give her excellent nutrition for healing.
If she is reluctant to eat or drink it could be because of pain - the aspirin may help with that. Be sure to keep her hydrated - you may find that watermelon, cut up berries, apples (small pieces) etc. may inspire her. Sunflower seeds, scrambled egg, oatmeal, whatever works to lift her spirits so she can heal. She's been through trauma, terror, shock and now is in pain, so tackling this from all angles can only help.
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I can't stress this too strongly: homeopathic Ledum palustre is a specific for puncture wounds. To give the Ledum, either dilute a couple pellets in 2 Tbsp of water and give her the liquid with a dropper, or just pop the pellet into her mouth. You will not need additional antibiotics, but if you want to feel safe, then a dilution of Calendula tincture is one of the best antibiotics you can find. The problem with Calendula is that it acts so fast that you can actually seal up the punctures before they have a chance to heal from within.

Noni juice is an extremely powerful healing and nutritional agent. Give her a spoonful 3 or 4 times a day. You can even put it in her drinking water.

IMO you don't need penicillin, baccitracin, neosporin, or other suppressive pharmaceutical. I haven't used them for years, and have treated punctures, tears, gouges, dog bites, fevers, flu, worms, and what all else, with great success.
Very interesting. I would like to obtain more information about these approaches. Natural solutions are certainly best but I haven't run across enough cases of success to rely on them when my munchkins are in a precarious, time sensitive, every-move-I-make-counts health situation. It's good to hear of your experience and if you have any other info, or links to other info about documented successes, this would be very welcome. Thanks much!JJ

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