
Thanks so much everyone. We thought she was fat a month or so ago when we saw what we thought was fat hanging down on her chest, but it turns out that was her keel bone without much muscle on either side. And so now, after talking with the vet and thinking about it I realize she may have stopped eating much a month or so ago. The vet agrees. So I have no idea why. She lives with another Cayuga female and a Welch harlequin female and a Welch harlequin drake. There are 2 Cayuga drakes but they live separately because they’re very sexually aggressive. The Drake that lives with the 3 females is very polite.
No one is bullying her or keeping her from food (which they have access to 24/7). So I have no idea why she’s not eating. So confused. The vet set if i can’t get weight on her need to do blood tests and other things. Spent $415 yesterday. I dont’ know how much I can spend or how much it will cost. But I am responsible for her and love her. So I want to do whatever is necessary. Is there special food for sick ducks to get them to eat? i just gave her peas, kale and lettuce in water. And strawberries and blueberries, but she’s too shy when I’m in there, so I went out. Hopefully some will be gone when I go back and check on her.
Also - it’s crappy timing because I’m in Colorado and it just started snowing and will be bad for several days. I did let her go out earlier - with my supervision and she enjoyed being with everyone and she swam in the stock tank. I watched to make sure everyone was nice. She seemed normal out there, except she’s still limping, but no falling. The vet said she had a very hard time fishing the egg out. But I read in the Ultimate Pet Duck Guidebook that the vet is supposed to give oxytocin. I wonder if my vet is not a good duck vet.
She doesn’t want her with the other ducks because we wouldn’t be able to tell if she’d laid another egg or not. But I could divide the chicken yard tomorrow night and let her sleep with them. I think I will do that - and put the heater on.
Does anyone know. How long it takes to produce an egg after being bound?
Thanks for everything!
Have you considered tube feeding? My vet taught me how.

Sometimes after being eggbound my duck would produce an egg the next day. Or become eggbound again. She had a lot of issues. We ended up putting her on birth control and restricting her daylight. When it was very bad I had her in a dog crate in with the rest of the ducks so I would know if she laid eggs or not. Then I supervised foraging walks and mealtimes so they could be together sometimes.

@SolarDuck your duck would get eggbound the next day as well, yeah?

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