

In the Brooder
10 Years
May 8, 2009
I just brought my 6 RIRs outside for the 3rd/4th time. They are all 2.5 weeks old approx. Two of them started sticking their heads up in the air, and opening their mouths really wide and kind of shaking their heads as if there was something stuck in their throat. One stopped, but the other has continued. It'll act normal for a few minutes, and then randomly start doing it again. I brought them in the house, but it is still doing. What could be wrong? Did they eat something that was a little too big? Will they fix it themselves? What can I do? It's still peeping, and walking, and seems normal otherwise. Thanks.
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without a lot more specific details (like what is the temp... what is on the ground accessible to them etc) it will be hard for anyone here to advise you.
temp. around 90. grass, with some dirt, sticks, twigs, pebbles, bugs, etc.
he seemed to stop doing it - ive checked on him quite a few more times, and he seems okay now.

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