USDA Processing Exemptions

I would love to believe it's as easy as selling live birds with free processing if requested. I very much doubt the WSDA would see it that way... but if you don't ask...


Processing your own birds that you don't sell... is all fine and still legal, right? And you can gift all the self-processed birds you want, right?

So what about gifting all your processed birds and only accepting donations? Would be a risky business model for sure. Anyone do this?


I sold my birds mainly to the Asian community, and most of them did their own processing. Granted, I did a TINY scale. Anything substantial, official, not between friends/family would probably not work.

Doubt processing your own food is going to get you in trouble, but I have nothing to back that up with. People hunt and process deer and other wildife without needing inspections of their homes for personal use.
Yeah... love Salatin's book too. Under the Federal regs, this works. But unfortunately, Washington State slapped on additional, more strict regs to poultry processing. I don't think the selling whole birds and processing for free flies here anymore. I would love to be wrong.

2 1/2 miles away from where I live... in Idaho... they go by only the Federal regs.

Last fall when I sold a batch of Cornish X's I was told to sell at a Farmer's Market I needed an Itinerant Food Vendor's permit. So I paid my $150 and had my freezer inspected so I could store my chickens that I had processed at a state licensed facility. I thought I was all set until I got a call from the state food inspector this week. She told me I could no longer have my birds processed at that facility since I wasn't doing the processing if I wanted to continue to sell at the Farmer's Market. I talked to the inspector today and found out I can process my own birds if I don't sell at the Farmer's Market; or, I can "sell live birds" and still have them processed as a service to my customers like I did last fall; or, I can join a co-op and have my birds processed there. Not sure what I am going to do at this point. I am waiting on hearing back from the co-op to see what their per bird processing price is.

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