USED tin roofing--pros and cons

Talking about tin.....I have 2 chain link dog pens that house my chickens. One is 12' x 12' and the other one is 12' x 7'-both are 6' tall. I have tin laid over the tops of these pens to keep critters & weather out BUT-there are spaces that small things could crawl into the pens under then tin, so, how do I seal those places off to keep snakes, or small predators out? I'm not a carpenter and not too handy with tools but probably could do simple stuff to make the pens safer if I knew what to do. Can ya'all help with some ideas?
I would totely reuse it. Both of my coops have reused tin roofs. I just used silicon to patch the holes. Here are some pics of my coops. sorry for the size.


In my case, the holes mostly seem to be down the center of the ceiling, so I think adding another support under the holes and attaching it using the existing holes might fix the leak problem there. I'll try to get pics tomorrow.

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