useful farm animals

Have you been around "fainting goats"? Mine have no smell, one reason I decided on this breed.

I LOVEEEEE FAINTING GOATS, I want a few SO badly, they're definitely the COOLEST goats in existence.
Don't throw those stanchions out if you can help it! LOTS of people are looking for them for their home milking! Unless they are made of only wood. So if they are metal, don't toss them!!!
I'd kill to have a few laying around here! hehehe...

wrenali- isnt it always the best ones that are the problem makers lol! The ones that youd get rid of in a heartbeat for escaping ..if they werent the best ones!

Maybe ive been lucky..probably its the fact that my pastures are so big. I have 50 acres altogether and the smallest pasture is 12 acres. Still..the goats will go visit the neighbors if they can find a way out! My solution was to get rid of all my goats and then start over with bottle babies. Now they are all very bonded to me so they dont want to be too far from me even though they are adults now. I put them in a small very secure night area at night and when im not home..the rest of the time they stay with the sheep flock or on the porch with the dogs.

We have 22 sheep..which i hope to eventually grow to around 150. 9 horses that i hope to get down to 4 before the sheep get to 150 lol. a cow that goes in the freezer in sept..and we are in the market for 2 more calfs. 3 nubian goats. A guardian donkey. Around 200 birds..chickens, call ducks and guineas. 2 livestock guardian dogs and 2 english shepherd and i have no idea how many barn cats..except too many! Pigs are the only thing left on my wish list and i couldnt find feeder pigs anywhere this spring so there will be no bacon or pork chops for us this year
We have no sheep.
We do have 2 bottle baby pygmy goats [2 years old now] here on our 6 acres.I was so afraid they would need extensive fencing when we got them, but they have never left the property, although they can. I can't say that about our flock of geese who find it more interesting on the other side of the street.. lol.....
We had the male castrated, and both were dehorned before they came here. Maybe the bottle feeding made them more likely to stay, I don't know.
They do like to climb on cars, and we have to warn visitors about that. My kids find them a nuisance, but I truly love them.....

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Don't throw those stanchions out if you can help it! LOTS of people are looking for them for their home milking! Unless they are made of only wood. So if they are metal, don't toss them!!!
I'd kill to have a few laying around here! hehehe...


Haha you can have them! ...they're all metal ones, probably were put in in the last 10 years, because the whole place got a slight facelift about 10 years ago when the owner got this veterens allowance from the government. We're going to have a "barn sale," to get rid of them, because we really don't need them, plus we have like 9 million automatic watering bowls, the ones that you find in horse barns, they're deeper though because they're actually for cattle, but we're keeping twice as many as we need, and selling the rest. I swear, we have enough of everything to put the local co-op out of business.
Oh you're KILLING! me! LOL! I want those so badly! At least two, two would be GREAT!!! <sigh> Just ship them on down on the next chicken train! LOL!!! In the meantime, we'll be having to build our stanchions here very soon...

goats, cows, horses, sheep, pigs all of those are perfect for a farm and for other reasons. i live on a dairy farm as well and have all those animals and more i highly recomend them
Useful animals at the farm ?
Guinea hens, and
A Sheltie.

My brothers neighbor up North has these 2 critters at his farm and NOTHING outside of cows n chickens n horses is noticed.

It's your own personal mobile alarm system !

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