Using a cat carrier for keeping a sick chicken inside the house ?


Crossing the Road
Premium Feather Member
Sep 15, 2021
Daluis, 06 France
We usually keep sick chicken inside a very large dog cage that we will either put in the coop or in a barn, depending whether the hen need to be isolated.
However it happens every now and then that we would prefer keeping the sick chicken for a short time inside the house with us, either because the weather is too cold or because we need to check on it very often.
Our living space is very small so I'm trying to think of something that would be convenient. Would a cat carrier like this one be suitable even though it's very small (10 x14 inch) seeing that this would be for a short time ? Any better ideas ?

Thank you for your help!
If the chicken would only be in the carrier for a short period of time -- a few days, for example, I would think it would be okay. If she is really sick, she likely isn't moving around a lot.

I usually use a cat carrier to transport my chickens and ducks to the vet (okay, don't laugh; I know it doesn't make financial sense to spend $100 on medical treatment for a $5 bird). The carriers offer plenty of ventilation and are easy to clean.

If it's going to be for more than a day or two, you could let her out for some exercise and mental stimulation, when she's feeling better.

Just my opinion. I'm far from an expert, but I like that you are thinking about your chickens' welfare.
One thing to consider -- something pointed out by a person far more experienced than I am a few months ago -- is that chickens are flock animals and a hen removed from her flock is likely to pine for them and go into a decline from the loneliness.

And then you have the re-integration problem.

So it's probably best to treat the bird within the flock if it's at all possible, despite the inconvenience.
Thank you for all your replies. Of course this would only be for very specific emergencies so we wouldn't let any chicken in there for more than a few hours or maybe a night. During the day we would always be able to take them outside or in the coop for a while.

From experience I also very much prefer to keep a sick chicken in it's usual environment and it's what we usually do. Once or twice however we did take them inside in very specific situations, it would be for these cases. We always keep contact with the flock as we noticed an isolated hen would grow very depressed and sort of give up the will to heal, if that doesn't sound too anthropomorphic.
Hello everyone,

I've been reading about your experiences with using cat carriers for sick chickens. It's a great idea, especially for those with limited space at home. For those looking for an alternative, I recently came across this dog transport bag that might also work for chickens. It's spacious, comfortable, and stylish. This could be an option for those wanting to keep their chicken close while on the move.

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