Using a nipple waterer AND a traditional water simultaneously?


Jun 10, 2022
I am new to raising chickens and currently have six 8 week old chicks of different breeds. We introduced a nipple waterer to them yesterday. Although they seemed to catch on to how to use it right away, I can’t tell if they are getting enough water? Someone suggested making both their old open waterer AND the new nipple one available to them, at least as they transition. I’m concerned, however, that they will be confused or just use the regular waterer. Does anyone here successfully use both? Any advice on how to make sure they are getting enough from just the nipple waterer?
I am new to raising chickens and currently have six 8 week old chicks of different breeds. We introduced a nipple waterer to them yesterday. Although they seemed to catch on to how to use it right away, I can’t tell if they are getting enough water? Someone suggested making both their old open waterer AND the new nipple one available to them, at least as they transition. I’m concerned, however, that they will be confused or just use the regular waterer. Does anyone here successfully use both? Any advice on how to make sure they are getting enough from just the nipple waterer?
Hello, welcome to BYC. I can't help, I don't use nipple waterers. I had bad luck with them leaking, so I just use open ones now.
Hello, and welcome to BYC! I'm so glad you decided to join our friendly and helpful community. 😁
When I have switched my chicks from panwaters to nipple waterers, I have only left the old water in there for about a day. Once one of the chicks catches on, the rest will emulate the behavior.
I would just check on the water level and make sure it's going down at an appropriate level and keep an eye on the chicks behavior.

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