Using a Quail Tractor... Good idea or not??

Ok good, that will be great if I can get them to go inside at night. I might have a chance at doing this. I actually had to use a scary object to get chickens into the chicken tractor coop at night. I used a bright yellow bucket which was apparently absolutely terrifying LOL. It's no big deal for me if I have to take a few minutes to round em up.

I'm definitely using 1/2 inch hardware cloth. I'm to afraid that a cat or hawk may get at them if I don't

If I can actually get them to go in at night I think it will work just fine since that's how I do the chickens anyways. Now I have to build one!
If I can actually get them to go in at night I think it will work just fine since that's how I do the chickens anyways. Now I have to build one!

I recommend using 2x4s or 2x6 pressure treated wood for the base, then 1x1 pressure treated for anything exposed to weather. and regular doug/hemfir for the rest. You'll tank me when you try to move it... I also recommend using metal or plastic roofing material for the sides also to cut down on weight.

Remember, quail don't need a warm place to sleep as long as their water doesn't freeze they are pretty well off.
Awesome. Yeah I used treated on the base of my chicken tractor too. I was planning on using some old tin for the roof. I hope the weather warms up some so I can get to work on it. I'll have to work on it outside.

I was thinking about going ahead and ordering some hatching eggs since I can always use the empty chicken coop/cage and brooder to keep them in until the tractor is ready.

I read too that when incubating them the new hatchlings will sometimes get their feet caught in the wire of the incubator so I'm thinking I could cut an old piece of wire window screen to use in there. Might even work better for the chickens too.
I was thinking about going ahead and ordering some hatching eggs since I can always use the empty chicken coop/cage and brooder to keep them in until the tractor is ready.
I wouldn't put the quail in the chicken coop, they can contract some diseases from the coop that are not harmful to chickens. If they do, they can get very ill and die...

You also have about a month before the chicks can even go outside, also you will have to acclimate them to the temperature too. Don't know what your weather is like but they need sufficient down feathers if it's cold.

For the incubator just buy some cabinet/shelf liner. this is what i bought (something similar from walmart ) chicks feet don't slip through
If they have access to the ground they will need to be wormed at least once a year. Also like it has been mentioned predator proofing is important if they are on the ground where hungry critters can get to them. Other than that a quail tractor is a good solution.
Would providing Diatomacious Earth work as a demormer?

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