Using Diatomaceous Earth as a Wormer


In the Brooder
May 14, 2016
Holopaw, Florida
I have 16, 3-4 month old mixed breeds of chicks (RIR's, White & Brown Leghorns, & Golden Comets.
I was reading that some folks use Diatomaceous Earth to worm their flock.
At what age is it OK, or for that matter, is it OK to practice this.
My "research/reading" says that about about a 1/2 cup of Diatomaceous Earth per 7 lbs auto feeder is the correct mixture.
And the rate/frequency should be about every four (4) months. Is this acceptable??

We also have 4 other Adult Chickens that co-exist in the same coop, and they probably could benefit from this DE also.
We have two hens currently laying and have not noticed the "tell tale" signs of "dirty/poopy eggs" but we want to avoid this if DE is the way to go.
DE will not treat internal parasitic infestations.

There are different opinions on routine "preventive" worming vs just treating for known worm infestations.

IMO if you think there is an infestation, try to collect some poop to send to a vet to analyze and get advice on what to use. They type of worms will dictate the treatment.
Sunflour has it right; DE does NOT kill intestinal parasites! It is somewhat effective, when dry, against soft bodied insects, and can be used in grain and feed to kill the grain mites. It's very bad to inhale, and I don't use it for anything. If a fecal sample shows that my flock is wormy, I use an appropriate product to fix the problem. Mary

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