Using incubator as brooder


In the Brooder
Jul 1, 2021
Before I bought this incubator I watched some videos on it and read some reviews that made it seem as if it doubled as a brooder. It has an air hole in the top, temp regulation, and a compartment for humidity.

Today I saw something talking about babies suffocating in the incubator. I was just planning on adding some non-slip material to the floor plate and letting the birds chill in there for a while, but now I'm second guessing myself.

My eggs are still in the mail so I've definitely got time to go get a real brooder if the incubator won't do.


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I agree, not a good idea. There won’t be much headroom after chicks hatch, it’s hard to open, and not that easy to clean. I have that model. They need to be in a big box like enclosure. They also need to be able to get out of the higher temp and move to ambient temp. Yes, even when very young. Mama hen’s chicks certainly don’t stay under her all the time.
tips on brooders
If you want, you can buy a brooder.
But I make my brooders, or find them at home.
As they get older, take the heat lamp higher up (or if you're using a heat mat or brood put the temp down). The top needs to be open- chick poop stinks and you don't want your chicks trapped in a box, inhaling their own poop.

Chicks 1day-2wks= cosy wooden box

Chicks 2wks-4wks= large see-thru storage box

4wks-7wks= very large dog pen brooder
This brooder was the best because it had a gate so I didn't reach in like an eagle to catch them. It's large so it encouraged them to explore

After that I'll move them outside.

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