Using water bottles re: quail

I'm using one of those tiny finch tube feeders for my baby far they're doing well with it

Like the one on the end...

To solve the spring problem I use those long plastic wire tie and leave them a little loose so that I can place and remove the bottle.. about 1/2 to 3/4 way up the bottle.. by doing this you can use any type or size bottle..

I have several of the 8" "test tube" waterers, but I found that I was having to change them every day. The soda waterers hold enough water for at least a week.
The pop bottle waterers work great using pepsi or coke 20 ounce plastic bottles. I too have found that some of the water bottles are too flimsy. I have converting over to nipple waterers like they use in poultry houses with gravity flow and this works great in my larger cages
Mine are in aquariums so there are no bars to hook such waterers on and they don't hang very well. I have a similar one hanging now as a feeder and they have feed everywhere. If I used one with water it would probably be emptied within the hour. I did manage to velcro one to the inside but it's too heavy and falls off every couple days unless I push it back against the velcro daily. At which point I might as well just go back to refilling water dishes daily.
Do you ever have problems with the nipples leaking into the bedding? Do you have really freezing temperatures... if so, how do they do?
I'm curious, because I'm still fighting my gravity-fed cup watering system... keeps leaking into the shavings...
I saw in a couple of posts the concerns of the water bottles freezing. Well, at a local store here they have the bunny waterers that have built in heaters. not sure how it works, but they have em anyhow.

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