Using wing feathers to sex chicks

I did this with my straight run buff orpingtons last year and it was correct for all 4 (1 roo, 3 hens). I tried to do it with my easter eggers this year, I got 3 and all had the double row but at 8 weeks old I am still questioning whether 2 of the 3 are pullets or cockerels, 1 I am pretty sure is a pullet

The pictures are my last years chicks, top was in fact a roo (I marked his head with a blue marker after I feather sexed them) and bottom was a pullet
When I picked up my first lot of chickens ever, as day olds, I went through them all and picked the ones with the longest wing feathers! There were definitely differences. The breeds I got were australorps, light sussex and wynadotte and I got 4 from 4 hens! Maybe good luck, or maybe these are those auto sexing breeds? (Despite having long wing feathers my Wyandotte did actually feather out incredibly slowly though).

I also got two welsummers which I picked 2 from 2 hens based on the long eyeliner and two silkies I tired this comb thing, but with those I got a boy and a girl, so I ended up with 7/8 hens! Pretty happy!

Can anyone help me out here? Any idea on sex?

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