
I can feather sex them...I would not trust it though. Marans are usually easy, but last year I hatched two chicks from this same breeder/same gene pool and they were backwards. The breeder said she had a lot of that show up in last years hatch. I guess you could get one of each, then know there is one girl. Kind of a pain though. I am selling them for $7 for the pure fbcm. I am keeping one of each for that same reason, then I will rehome the boy when it rears its head :)I could post wing pics if you wanted to look at pics and choose some, they are at the right stage today. There is only one that hatched late that looks a little hard to tell. Also blujems is going to hatch some more I think, if you wanted to wait till later in the season. These are from hers..from those pullets we got from qcu last year, same as you had. Really dark eggs. Also I will be headed over to qcu in the next few months if you wanted some straight from her...Let me know, whatever you decide. I would love to see these go to you, I know they would have a great home.

I am not sure if I am coming to Murray now though, depending on this snow storm. I will see what the roads are like. Hoping it is not too bad by

Yes I just set 9 more FBCM eggs and 3 cuckoo maran/ameraucana eggs...Cross your fingers that we have a better hatch this time. Sadly the FCBM are the only ones consistently laying right now. Hopefully the others start laying again soon.
Update on Richard. His leg is more swollen. :/ He has some feeling in his thighs, and hip area. For him to be saying that it hurts, it must be really bad pain. He has no feeling at all pretty much from the knees down. His white cell count is still the same, no change. They upped the electrolytes on him. I think he may have a long road ahead of him here.
Cynthia, I know you offered your denagard up too, but you're so far away. I did receive mine in the mail today. I put it in their water, and added a little bit of orange soda. They always go straight for the water and drink like they're dying when I refill it, even if it was half full. In this case, I'd let it empty out today so I'd feel good about the dosing being proper. As I've read around, everyone says you can still eat the eggs while they're being treated. Do you agree with this, or do you toss them?

I think it's good I have some denagard on hand. It sounds like it's some really nifty stuff.

Cynthia, I'm so sorry that your son's leg is worse and that he's in pain. I hope he starts improving soon.

I've had pretty good luck with feather sexing BCM, but Lisa's are kind of backwards sometimes.

Today I bought a big fake owl to stick in my hen house. I'm hoping it'll scare off all of the birds that are eating all of my chicken feed.

All 7 of my legbar eggs are still alive and kicking. I'm a little shocked because I set one that was slightly cracked, and I set another that spent 8 or 9 days in the fridge prior to being set.
Cynthia, I am so glad things are going ok and your son is feeling better. I thought about you last night so much, how worried you must be, it is good you guys got him admitted when you did. Good to know about the spot on head chicks. 3 of the 4 have the spots, 1 does not...maybe I will wait til they feather in a little to sell the last one I really want to see what they will be.

Hattie, I had a message on my cell phone late last night, I think you called another Lisa but dialed my number
Just letting you know your other Lisa never got your message so you won't wonder why she did not call back. haha
I would have called you back but when I saw it, it was way late.

Blujems, you have to get more sparkles eggs to hatch. I am so worried my little one won't be a girl. We need back up chicks
Last night I was calling all of my horse friends to get some vet wrap for my poor little chick. It was 10 minutes to 9 and I couldn't get to Cal Ranch in time to get some. I just couldn't bare putting more sticky tape on this little chick with the slipped tendon and sore on it's hock. So sorry for calling your number! I'm a ding bat under stress! I did get some wrap from another friend though. It is great stuff.

Cynthia so sorry your boy hasn't shown any progress yet. I bet he will turn the corner after 24 to 48 hours though.
I'm glad a wound specialist will be taking a look at him. "Give the medicine time to do it's stuff" is what my mom always says.
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just so you all know i guess cal ranch will start to get chicks in around the first of march...
Yay for more chicks!

Whittni cute pictures! Thanks for posting them. I miss those little fuzz tops!

So I emailed this breeder that I got my Ameraucana hatching eggs from. Out of the 6 hatched 4 have bad legs. 3 splayed and then the one with the slipped tendon. I've never had this happen before. Is it something I could have done with the hatching? I feel so bad. I'm thinking I need to be done hatching eggs.
I have some coming next week. I wish I didn't now.
Hattie is there anyway your bator temp could be a tad too low? Can they be adjusted at all? That would explain the late hatching. Just a guess here! I have definitely read reviews on those Brinsea bators that they can run low and cause late hatches. Which in turn can cause different health issues but not sure which kinds. I think I remember someone saying too high temps cause messed up toes, and too low can cause joint issues but don't quote me on that. I am reaching into the depths of my memory and that is a scary thing. Hope that chicks leg gets better.

Cynthia, what an awful thing, that poor guy must be hurting. More prayers for you and Richard.!
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When you get a brinsea, there's instructions on how you calibrate it. I calibrated mine, and when I compared it with dh's super scientific thermometer from the lab at work, it was dead on.

Hattie, I think it's good to email the breeder about all of the leg issues. It could be a nutrition issue. I'm more inclined to believe it's an incubator issue, but you never know.

Whittni, those chicks are going to be absolutely gorgeous when they grow up. And I love your lovebird. I'm trying to convince myself not to buy a canary.

Oh, also. There's a little bantam rooster that is at the Cache Humane Society if any of you are interested in it. http://www.cachehumane.org/animals/adoptable-small-animals/

I would argue that it's probably NOT good with dogs. I think that'd be a bad combination. I have friends who work there, and they said he's really sweet and tame.
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