
Oh, Brain and I are splitting the cost of some chicks..egg layers to start this winter. Nothing really fancy. They should be here tomorrow. Poor babies in this hot..they better get here and not get stuck in that Provo East Bay P.O. If I don't get a call in the morning, I will be making some calls. If I have to go to Provo to get them, I will. :)

Golden Sex Links, Dominiques, NN's, and Brian wants Orpingtons.
I have some Leghorn eggs and more BLRW's in. These leghorns have the silver factor, so, if I can find someone with a pretty red rooster, the pullets I get will have sex links, the red ones will be pullets, and the white ones will be boys..easy to sex. Not sure anyone has ever had a girl brought to their roo or not.
My quails are maturing. The boys make the best crow haha they sound like a cartoon laser gun. I love the sound they make! The boys are starting to check the girls out, I have not gotten eggs yet but one has been making a nest, so I think it will be soon. They are in a habitat ( like a duplex with one boy on each side with two females each) called "The Quail Ho-Tail".
I have to finish painting it and adding the vinyl letters. So we have the main coop/run "La Casa de Pollo", the little coop "La Casita", the "Quail-Ho-tail", now I have to come up with two new names for the SG coop and the Houdan coop. Any clever /silly ideas out there?

Looking up silly names for coops.

Found one, The Entertainment Center.
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Hey Lisa, we saw that Logan even got hot today.  It said it was 94 when we were checking.   Supposed to get even warmer this week.  Crazy. Then drop down into the 80's next week..but, a whole week of hot!

I'm freezing water in bowls tonight.   I squirt the girls twice today.  Poor things, panting away.  Two RIR's laid their fist egg on one of the hottest days yet!   At least it was morning.  

congrats on those eggs, that is awesome! Yes it did get to 94 today on my thermometer--warm for Logan this time of year. I hosed them down about 4 oclock, my GSL was TICKED off lol but serves her right she deserved it she has been too rowdy. The teenagers seemed to enjoy it once they realized no one was getting hurt, they were pretty curious and came around to see the spray a few times. The Houdans have it made, their pen is on nice cool grass, with a wooden roof over the pen so lots of dark shade. Just like last year, my White Rock loved the water. She remembered I think, she ran right over to it, stood in it, no worries haha I love her so much. That is one awesome chicken.

My Quail worry me the most, they are so small, and they won't go in the shade, they just sit in the sunny end panting. And I have a very persistent broody FBCM that sat int the nest ALL day in the henhouse, the temp on it said 112. i gave her water in a bowl, took her out of the house a few times but she just freaked out and ran right back in. Her comb is really gray, I hope she comes out more tomorrow, I am putting an ice water bottle in with her just to see if that helps. Poor girl picked a bad time to go broody. The roof on that house is black asphalt shingles, it gets way hot in there!
congrats on those eggs, that is awesome! Yes it did get to 94 today on my thermometer--warm for Logan this time of year. I hosed them down about 4 oclock, my GSL was TICKED off lol but serves her right she deserved it she has been too rowdy. The teenagers seemed to enjoy it once they realized no one was getting hurt, they were pretty curious and came around to see the spray a few times. The Houdans have it made, their pen is on nice cool grass, with a wooden roof over the pen so lots of dark shade. Just like last year, my White Rock loved the water. She remembered I think, she ran right over to it, stood in it, no worries haha I love her so much. That is one awesome chicken.

My Quail worry me the most, they are so small, and they won't go in the shade, they just sit in the sunny end panting. And I have a very persistent broody FBCM that sat int the nest ALL day in the henhouse, the temp on it said 112. i gave her water in a bowl, took her out of the house a few times but she just freaked out and ran right back in. Her comb is really gray, I hope she comes out more tomorrow, I am putting an ice water bottle in with her just to see if that helps. Poor girl picked a bad time to go broody. The roof on that house is black asphalt shingles, it gets way hot in there!

I did that last summer for my girls. Frozen water bottles on each side of the nest boxes. They didn't mind it at all. A broody right now..poor thing!
 Another one, The Egg Plant...   :D

I thought of that one...Fowl Play!   Good one.

Egg-Break Hotel...

The Rising Hen House..I've seen a few cute ones now.  

Oh yeah, Doughie made one called the Egg Plant and painted it green and purple, LOVED it, I wish I would have come up with that idea first lol, it is great!
Sundance's Cluckingham Palace, same colors, also very clever!

I am thinking for my SG, something about them being naked on the necks, or nudists...lol Can't come up with quite the right phrase though. Maybe something to do with the Vegas showgirls....? Here we go.. The P' hen' thouse :)

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