
We all seem to have excess roosters all the time, I think they all should magically appear on her porch in the middle of the night and YOU should call animal control on her about 5:00 in the morning....(what a jerk)!.

Are you serious.  What a jerk!  Good thing the forum doesn't let me say what I really want too.  I'm so very sorry.  I seriously hope that she doesn't call on your hens just to be an *****. I can't believe she just didn't come over and talk to you about it.  If she calls next week, I think we need to have an egging party at your house.  

Question... Does she have a dog or better yet a outside cat.  I would call animal control on the dog, over and over and over saying that its barking its head off.  Or drop her cat off at the shelter so she has to pay the **** fine to get it back out.  

Okay, so maybe that is a little mean....    But I'm on board with Casa, I could round up a bunch of the free roosters on KSL, and go dump them at her house.  They won't know it was you, since well...Everyone has to know what your roosters look like after all this mess. 

I'm liking these ideas. I really like the emu too.
How about Beyoncé? She could deliver a message for us.

Even better, who in this group has ninja skills? Lets put a chicken bullion cube in her shower head.
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There was talk on another site about how turkeys make noise when you talk out loud..I got more of a kick out of this guy than the turkeys..lol..it starts to sound like the turkeys are laughing at him!

Never add just one. Need to add at least 2. Its too dangerous and your existing flock will kill one thats why you need 2
Sundance is correct!! I totally agree... learned the hard way a long time ago!! Never add just 1.

I'm actually permitted to have roosters...unless a neighbor complains. She did, multiple times. In fact, daily for the past week. That prohibits me from ever owning roosters. If another complaint comes after Monday, they will fine me and confiscate all the hens also.
This makes me so angry!!!

We all seem to have excess roosters all the time, I think they all should magically appear on her porch in the middle of the night and YOU should call animal control on her about 5:00 in the morning....(what a jerk)!.

Are you serious. What a jerk! Good thing the forum doesn't let me say what I really want too. I'm so very sorry. I seriously hope that she doesn't call on your hens just to be an *****. I can't believe she just didn't come over and talk to you about it. If she calls next week, I think we need to have an egging party at your house.

Question... Does she have a dog or better yet a outside cat. I would call animal control on the dog, over and over and over saying that its barking its head off. Or drop her cat off at the shelter so she has to pay the **** fine to get it back out.

Okay, so maybe that is a little mean.... But I'm on board with Casa, I could round up a bunch of the free roosters on KSL, and go dump them at her house. They won't know it was you, since well...Everyone has to know what your roosters look like after all this mess.

No, she doesn't have any animals. She called a complaint on the neighbor's dogs the same day she started on us (I know because I blamed those neighbors initially and did the same). I do have an offer of beehives to put in the corner by her house...and a bullhorn, an air horn, a live DJ's dance party, and recordings of roosters. Also other things that I won't mention on a public forum, and my local chicken friends will rooster her for me

I was roostered. One night went out to look an my chickens and shut the door and there was a huge strange rooster in the coop all tucked in for bed. I had been gone so I did a double take and thought I don't own that chicken. It was pretty funny. I started emailing everyone and asked if they roostered me. No one admitted to it. He was a beautiful black copper maran boy and now he lives happily with Sphinx. I vote we all clean our coops and do a poop dump on her yard

Hahaha, I've got a couple obnoxious roosters I could bring XD And possibly a turkey. Welcome to the farm, Ma! I think we need some peafowl and guineas, for good measure.

I've got jerk neighbors, too, and they tend to bring out the snotty side in me.
Oh good Lord!! My guineas and peafowl are LOUD!!! Plus, the peafowl have taken to running repetitively (chasing each other) the length of one neighbor's roof at 5:30 AM. Just so glad they're early risers!

someone should give your neighbor a few emu as gifts
and i would be planting bushes facing her yard and trim them so they look like a "bird" if you know what i mean. and i think you should press your city for better laws on chickens because the ones you have now do not make sense much

There was talk on another site about how turkeys make noise when you talk out loud..I got more of a kick out of this guy than the turkeys..lol..it starts to sound like the turkeys are laughing at him!

Maybe we should all show up in a group, with cookies, just to drop her guard, then let her know we are all Lil's friends and chicken owners (and knows where she lives

Years ago, while living in another state, I had a new neighbor who was out jogging past my place. While jogging, her dog got away from her and got onto my property, and started chasing my cattle. When my dog 'interrupted' her dog's harassment, she jumped my fence and started kicking my dog. My dog never touched her, since it only saw her dog as the threat. My dog, not her's, spent the night at the vet's with a swollen heart from being kicked so brutally. She also had charges filed against me for a 'dog at large' because my dog wasn't on a leash, even though it was a cattle dog, on it's own property, protecting it's own cattle. My dear country friends took matters into their own hands and surprisingly a dead skunk ended up in her air conditioner unit.... yes, this happened during summer. She also found a dead rattlesnake in her mailbox and a road kill cat on her back porch. Since it was a fairly busy country road, whenever she went jogging after that, one of the surrounding neighbors who were irritated at her harshness, would slowly drive along side her. Needless to say, she dropped the charges and put her house up for sale, and moved back to the city. Just sayin'!!! Really bad thing can happen to rotten neighbors!!

I think you need to get one of those huge chicken statues and put it so it's looking over the fence adjoined her property!!! LOL
I would pitch in on some of the cost!!
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I was roostered.  One night went out to look an my chickens and shut the door and there was a huge strange rooster in the coop all tucked in for bed.  I had been gone so I did a double take and thought I don't own that chicken.  It was pretty funny.  I started emailing everyone and asked if they roostered me.  No one admitted to it.  He was a beautiful black copper maran boy and now he lives happily with Sphinx.  I vote we all clean our coops and do a poop dump on her yard

Ha! That is funny! And...I have already moved my compost pike to the corner of the yard by her house. It is mostly chicken bedding from deep litter. I plan on cooking it hot so the smell is worse. Everyone is welcome to use her yard to get rid of your unwanted waste ;)

We could do just an old fashion toilet papering, but wait till its going to rain, because then it is horrible to clean up. 

:gig she has lots of trees in her back yard...too bad that would be too obvious (I only have backyard neighbors)...we would have to do the front yard.

Hahaha, I've got a couple obnoxious roosters I could bring XD And possibly a turkey. Welcome to the farm, Ma! I think we need some peafowl and guineas, for good measure.

I've got jerk neighbors, too, and they tend to bring out the snotty side in me.

Does anyone know what the regs are for those? If there is nothing banning them...

someone should give your neighbor a few emu as gifts :gig and i would be planting bushes facing her yard and trim them so they look like a "bird" if you know what i mean. and i think you should press your city for better laws on chickens because the ones you have now do not make sense much

Emus! I hadn't thought about those yet! By the time we are done teaching her a lesson, I am going to have a regular menagerie here :gig

Desert, you do the multi quote like me, so you are too long to quote. Your former neighbors were rather creative. I could learn a lot from them
I am angry and depressed, but more set on the fact that I will be buying property elsewhere. A drunken friend last night mentioned something that made me realize that we have a significant down payment also. Bits and pieces are falling together. When I find the right place, I will be ready.

So here is where I am at:: I am not Mormon, or even Christian. I believe in the power of intentions (or the power of prayer, with intention, if you will). I am setting the intention that I will find the perfect property, that will either come with the perfect home, or have the perfect spot for the home I want to build. This will happen within two years. That is the maximum time frame. My optimistic hope is that I will find my place and be able to sell my current space by spring. I have been talking about it for a long time, but now I am setting the intention with force and action. I am putting it here for you all to witness.
So here is where I am at:: I am not Mormon, or even Christian. I believe in the power of intentions (or the power of prayer, with intention, if you will). I am setting the intention that I will find the perfect property, that will either come with the perfect home, or have the perfect spot for the home I want to build. This will happen within two years. That is the maximum time frame. My optimistic hope is that I will find my place and be able to sell my current space by spring. I have been talking about it for a long time, but now I am setting the intention with force and action. I am putting it here for you all to witness.

:thumbsup Sending all the good karma your way. I believe there is good and evil in this world, and a lot in between---and what comes around goes around. Loving animals and taking care of them is a good thing--and I know this will all work out for you! I know it! You deserve to have your own space to do your own good--I hope things fall into place sooner than later :) Staying optimistic goes a long way to getting to your goals, so keep your chin up girl! I like the way you think. ;)
I hope to have some Bantam RIR chicks in a couple weeks.
I really want a Favorolle, but I might have to wait till next spring, but Gary I'm totally interested in a Bantam RIR chick, if you have some extra, I would love to get 2 from you. I'm sure they will fit right in my 9 ft by 12 ft coop somewhere. I just love my banties.
Ha! That is funny! And...I have already moved my compost pike to the corner of the yard by her house. It is mostly chicken bedding from deep litter. I plan on cooking it hot so the smell is worse. Everyone is welcome to use her yard to get rid of your unwanted waste

she has lots of trees in her back yard...too bad that would be too obvious (I only have backyard neighbors)...we would have to do the front yard.
Does anyone know what the regs are for those? If there is nothing banning them...
Emus! I hadn't thought about those yet! By the time we are done teaching her a lesson, I am going to have a regular menagerie here

Desert, you do the multi quote like me, so you are too long to quote. Your former neighbors were rather creative. I could learn a lot from them
I am angry and depressed, but more set on the fact that I will be buying property elsewhere. A drunken friend last night mentioned something that made me realize that we have a significant down payment also. Bits and pieces are falling together. When I find the right place, I will be ready.

So here is where I am at:: I am not Mormon, or even Christian. I believe in the power of intentions (or the power of prayer, with intention, if you will). I am setting the intention that I will find the perfect property, that will either come with the perfect home, or have the perfect spot for the home I want to build. This will happen within two years. That is the maximum time frame. My optimistic hope is that I will find my place and be able to sell my current space by spring. I have been talking about it for a long time, but now I am setting the intention with force and action. I am putting it here for you all to witness.

That is a good thing. I believe in the power of positive thinking. BTW whats her address
I love it sundance, what is her address. We can all mail her hate mail. When we lived in Provo, our neighbor must have ****** someone off really bad, because we started getting gay porn magazines in his name to our address, as well as 3 other neighbors. When we took them over to his house saying that he had the wrong address on his magazines. He about flipped his lid. I know that he made a formal police report about it too. hahaha, we thought it was pretty funny.

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