
Ha! That is funny! And...I have already moved my compost pike to the corner of the yard by her house. It is mostly chicken bedding from deep litter. I plan on cooking it hot so the smell is worse. Everyone is welcome to use her yard to get rid of your unwanted waste

she has lots of trees in her back yard...too bad that would be too obvious (I only have backyard neighbors)...we would have to do the front yard.
Does anyone know what the regs are for those? If there is nothing banning them...
Emus! I hadn't thought about those yet! By the time we are done teaching her a lesson, I am going to have a regular menagerie here

Desert, you do the multi quote like me, so you are too long to quote. Your former neighbors were rather creative. I could learn a lot from them
I am angry and depressed, but more set on the fact that I will be buying property elsewhere. A drunken friend last night mentioned something that made me realize that we have a significant down payment also. Bits and pieces are falling together. When I find the right place, I will be ready.

So here is where I am at:: I am not Mormon, or even Christian. I believe in the power of intentions (or the power of prayer, with intention, if you will). I am setting the intention that I will find the perfect property, that will either come with the perfect home, or have the perfect spot for the home I want to build. This will happen within two years. That is the maximum time frame. My optimistic hope is that I will find my place and be able to sell my current space by spring. I have been talking about it for a long time, but now I am setting the intention with force and action. I am putting it here for you all to witness.
Great idea about the compost pile!!! Your positive attitude will take you far in your needs

Sending all the good karma your way. I believe there is good and evil in this world, and a lot in between---and what comes around goes around. Loving animals and taking care of them is a good thing--and I know this will all work out for you! I know it! You deserve to have your own space to do your own good--I hope things fall into place sooner than later
Staying optimistic goes a long way to getting to your goals, so keep your chin up girl! I like the way you think.
I agree Casa!!!

That is a good thing. I believe in the power of positive thinking. BTW whats her address
Another great idea.... WHAT is her address? I think we all should send her Get Well cards or Sympathy cards for her being such a jerk!!
I love it sundance, what is her address. We can all mail her hate mail. When we lived in Provo, our neighbor must have ****** someone off really bad, because we started getting gay porn magazines in his name to our address, as well as 3 other neighbors. When we took them over to his house saying that he had the wrong address on his magazines. He about flipped his lid. I know that he made a formal police report about it too. hahaha, we thought it was pretty funny.
I knew someone almost 30 years ago who did that porn magazine thing to a person who had made him mad...lol.
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I love it sundance, what is her address.  We can all mail her hate mail.  When we lived in Provo, our neighbor must have ****** someone off really bad, because we started getting gay porn magazines in his name to our address, as well as 3 other neighbors. When we took them over to his house saying that he had the wrong address on his magazines.  He about flipped his lid. I know that he made a formal police report about it too.   hahaha, we thought it was pretty funny.  
oh that is good! :gig i will have to remember that one. i have a neighbor who will yell at me for drinking a beer in my yard because for some reason he thinks our neighborhood is alcohol free. its not like i drink a lot or have parties or anything or get drunk. i actually am very discreet about my drinking for the most part because so many are judgmental. the best way i have found to deal with neighbors is to get them feeling like they need me. see i am home so much that i watch out for everyone so its security for them. they know if i see someone snooping around their home or whatever i will do something about it. and i am always willing to lend a helping hand when i can such as when i helped a neighbor take down some trees. if they are nice to me then i will be nice to them
Love it. I think I will send a gift subscription to Chicken Keeping magazine

Yep me to... Utah here in South/ Central Utah..

Hmm, you know want to know what really rains on someone's parade? a gallon of sugar water and ants.
Sounds great!!

So what are we all mailing to Lil's neighbor? I thought about a nice gift box of cow pies, with a nice little note that says $%*! happens. hahahaha!
I think I'll do the sarcastic thing and send a Get Well card with a chicken on it...lol.

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