
So sorry to those who have lost birdies. Not fun

Funny thought, but lets not do anything that would make her press poison charges. Even though they are harmless dyes, she would. She is already claiming that the roosters crow all night long.

All these ideas make me smile, but if you send something, make sure she is not harmed beyond harassment. I plan on playing a certain Reggie Watts song as I am capturing birds to go. BYC won't let me post the title (and my LDS friends on here wouldn't appreciate it either), but it is perfectly appropriate for the mood today.

Oh, I dunno, I think it sounds like you've got a winner, there. How could you ever think of leaving? *sarcasm* Well, that's okay, because what you send out comes back to you. i hope your neighbor is prepared for when she gets creative neighbors, similar to Desert's. It'll come.

Haha, there are a lot of good ideas out there you guys. It sucks having neighbors like that! I finally got all moved in to my house. Yay!! Moving is stressful but it was totally worth it. The only things left to do is get my coops over here so I can finally have my chickens again. Thank you to all of you that have been holding a few chickens for me until I got settled in, it means a lot to me!! Not too much longer now. Then I am going to have a chicken warming party haha sounds like fun.

Glad you got moved in okay. And I would totally be down for a chicken warming party! I'll Lysol my shoes really good to make sure I don't bring party favors.

Things are going smoothly here. I have three broody hens that I can't break for anything. I candled Red's Icelandics last night. They're due to hatch in just under a week, and I saw 5 wriggling, healthy babies.

Thanks everyone...She was so upset, but I told her once we get settled in the new house we will find a way to get some more.
I had let them into the main coop with the big hens and they were getting along great so I didn't lock them back up last night. they were still sleeping on the floor and not on the roost yet. so they must have been easy picking.
I feel terrible for not locking them up.....Now the other 3 are locked up in the more secure run until we move at the end of the month.
Lilwanis, I would be thrilled to help you sell your place and buy a new one. I also could help think of some fun ways to harass the evil neighbor. I would suggest editing her address out, just in case she googles it and this thread comes up. All of our harassment plots should definitely keep Lilwanis totally innocent and clear and not suspected at all.

Welcome Kater!!

Sara, I've done the orange urine prank before. It was hilarious.

UtahChickenDad, I'm so sorry for the loss of Birdie.

BluJems, I'm so sorry your chickens were attacked. Any idea how they got in? How did the Monster take the news?

Things are going smoothly here. I have three broody hens that I can't break for anything.  I candled Red's Icelandics last night. They're due to hatch in just under a week, and I saw 5 wriggling, healthy babies.

I have to convince DH that we should move. He is not entirely convinced. My house is a hard sell, so if you are up for a challenge,..it has low ceilings, no basement, no street value (it's not on the street), and is not connected to sewer (septic system) or gas (propane tank). On the plus side it is .54 acre in the middle of SLC, four bedrooms, large kitchen, recently updated bathroom(s) and family room (we are about to update the master bedroom and get new carpet for it also), and we have a guest house. Now that we have a school in our front yard, I imagine that adds to its value, when we tried to sell before there were abandoned fields with stacks of garbage in them. It made the house more hidden and secure from our pov, but wasn't very appealing. I think that is the biggest thing that makes us drag our feet about trying to move: it sucks to find the "perfect" property and then watch it go by because we can't sell ours.

Just finished getting the boys out to Grantsville. 6KidsFarm got my biggest, prettiest boy from the eggs I hatched. He plans to use them to make OE's with cream legbars. The boy he got hatched from a really dark egg, so he will work well for that purpose. I am glad that he gets a chance at a good life. The rest went on and will have the chance to grow a bit before they are processed. They are going to process the bresse for me also. My coops are quiet and empty. I guess I have to hope they stay that way.
Well, sad news here sfter a weeks long struggle we lost Birdie. I went to check at 6pm and she was still trying, but when I checked at 7pm she had passed. While the flock seems to have taken it well, thd humans not as much.
Such is the chicken world in Magna today.

Well I went out to check on the chickens this morning and found that something had gotten in the coop and killed the silky and showgirl that the monster just got. I am guessing a cat or coon, but don't know. She will be so upset when she gets up.
Sad news indeed for you both!!

I like the idea of sending nice cards to her :) When she sees how nice the chicken world people are, and how much everyone cares for eachother and their flocks, her heart will grow three sizes that day.... but all the other ideas are pretty comical.

I can't believe the skunk in the air conditioner story!
The skunk wasn't my idea, however I didn't stop laughing for a long time after I heard what had happened. I don't actually know which friend or neighbor did it but knew it was connected to my situation...lol. Had to have been with all that happened, right after what she did to me.

I agree with the nice card!!

I have to convince DH that we should move. He is not entirely convinced. My house is a hard sell, so if you are up for a challenge,..it has low ceilings, no basement, no street value (it's not on the street), and is not connected to sewer (septic system) or gas (propane tank). On the plus side it is .54 acre in the middle of SLC, four bedrooms, large kitchen, recently updated bathroom(s) and family room (we are about to update the master bedroom and get new carpet for it also), and we have a guest house. Now that we have a school in our front yard, I imagine that adds to its value, when we tried to sell before there were abandoned fields with stacks of garbage in them. It made the house more hidden and secure from our pov, but wasn't very appealing. I think that is the biggest thing that makes us drag our feet about trying to move: it sucks to find the "perfect" property and then watch it go by because we can't sell ours.

Just finished getting the boys out to Grantsville. 6KidsFarm got my biggest, prettiest boy from the eggs I hatched. He plans to use them to make OE's with cream legbars. The boy he got hatched from a really dark egg, so he will work well for that purpose. I am glad that he gets a chance at a good life. The rest went on and will have the chance to grow a bit before they are processed. They are going to process the bresse for me also. My coops are quiet and empty. I guess I have to hope they stay that way.
Just makes me so very sad for you!!
Have you ever seen a baby Silkie trying to eat a blueberry? Well, I did today. Cutest thing ever. I had some old berries that were going wrinkly, and since I know some of my girls love berries, everyone got a little treat. One of the Silkies got a blueberry and ran off with it, then kept setting it down, looking around, and trying to pick it up and figure out what to do with it. I think she finally ate it, but it really made me smile.

I've got lice cropping up on my broodies and their babies. Ugh! Oil baths tomorrow. I will not have bugs!

Other than that, it's been a good weekend for me. I've been catching up on sleep and I got to go see my first demolition derby last night
Hope everyone else is doing okay, all things considered. Blu, I wish I had some chickens to give you for your little girl.

Oh! Birdman, I can't remember if I ever answered you, but yes! I so need to come get some mint from you and see the setup you've been working on for your girls. Maybe I could help you with it a bit, if time warrants? I don't know what I'm doing with a hammer, but I try to look like I know

Desert, how are your Icelandics doing?
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Well I went out to check on the chickens this morning and found that something had gotten in the coop and killed the silky and showgirl that the monster just got. I am guessing a cat or coon, but don't know. She will be so upset when she gets up.

I will hopefully have some new silkies or SG's hatching soon. I have three that are going into lock down soon, and it looks like I have three more that are starting to develop. I should get something right? I am only keeping a couple. Will see what hatches, then decide what I will keep to watch. Counting my chicks before they hatch again. :/
Cynthia, thank you for coming over yesterday anf thanks for the rooster kitchen towels lol. Not too bad of a place right? I put all the chicks in the big brooder that you suggested and they are loving it. I stayed up late looking at the girls. Its nice to have some chickens around again.
Have you ever seen a baby Silkie trying to eat a blueberry? Well, I did today. Cutest thing ever. I had some old berries that were going wrinkly, and since I know some of my girls love berries, everyone got a little treat. One of the Silkies got a blueberry and ran off with it, then kept setting it down, looking around, and trying to pick it up and figure out what to do with it. I think she finally ate it, but it really made me smile.

I've got lice cropping up on my broodies and their babies. Ugh! Oil baths tomorrow. I will not have bugs!

Other than that, it's been a good weekend for me. I've been catching up on sleep and I got to go see my first demolition derby last night
Hope everyone else is doing okay, all things considered. Blu, I wish I had some chickens to give you for your little girl.

Desert, how are your Icelandics doing?
So glad you're finally getting some sleep!!!

That mental pic I get thinking about the silkie and blueberry is priceless

So Red, what is an oil bath?? Don't think I've heard it mentioned before. I had something bring in lice to my older juveniles. I am so darned careful....grrrr
. So EVERYTHING is getting cleaned, dusted, dipped and DE added to bedding (had to abandon my recently attempted deep litter method because of it!!). So much work!!! 10 coops, 7 with runs so far. Luckily, once the birds go out to the coops, they NEVER get close to the front chick room, which holds everything that is for sale or on HOLD.

The Icelandics?? LOL... have to get you pics!! The red chick grew into a roo with wild hair.
The light chick is struggling.
It has always been the smallest and weakest, and slowest. I gave it vitamins but they don't seem to help. It picks at food, no matter what I give, and seems to sleep way too much. The upper beak is too curved for it to eat correctly... I keep hoping on a miracle!! Also, even though the chick room is air conditioned I think it can't be really healthy for them long term. Wish the heat would let up!!! Seems the most select babies are handling the situation the worst. My Salmon Fav is struggling too. Back to Icelandics!! The black one.... funny story about that one. I saw it the other day amongst the youngest juveniles when I moved most to the new brooder however it really is so non-descript I was mystified over what it was at first. Thought maybe I had missed cleaning out my neighbors Whos-your-Daddy chicks. Just have to get you pics!! Are you still planning on re-homing all your babies except your Icelandics??
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Good luck with your hatch, Cynthia!

Lilwanis, I still feel rotten about that neighbor. If we got her to move away, you could stay there cheerfully, unless you wanted to move. Then I'd get your place sold as quick as humanly possible. So maybe we should focus our efforts in getting your neighbor to move...
Been texting with Blujems this morning. So sad about the Showgirl and Silkie babies getting killed. Ugh! I was gone yesterday and just found out late last night when we got back to having cell service and internet...It took so long to get those babies hatched! It is always the ones that die or get hurt that are the hardest to obtain it seems~! I am hoping you get lots of cute babies Cynthia. I have pips in my bator this morning on the NN/SG mixes....hoping some cute babies, will get pics up.

RIRJen has SG eggs again today Cynthia, 24 eggs for $60 including shipping. TEMPTING! I am trying to resist. Still holding out hope my SQ silkie is a girl to make nice babies with Vinnie. Cross fingers!

I had a BR with lice last week....the underbelly plumage had all the fuzz stuck to the feather shafts, I dipped them in the poultry protector then I oiled the belly area for good measure. Yuck! I hope no others get them. That is a lot of chickens to de-bug. Christina, I sure hope yours don't give you a headache--you have lots and lots! Icky.

Brian congrats on getting all moved in! So happy you have found a good place that is chicken friendly.

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