
Been texting with Blujems this morning. So sad about the Showgirl and Silkie babies getting killed. Ugh! I was gone yesterday and just found out late last night when we got back to having cell service and internet...It took so long to get those babies hatched! It is always the ones that die or get hurt that are the hardest to obtain it seems~! I am hoping you get lots of cute babies Cynthia. I have pips in my bator this morning on the NN/SG mixes....hoping some cute babies, will get pics up.

RIRJen has SG eggs again today Cynthia, 24 eggs for $60 including shipping. TEMPTING! I am trying to resist. Still holding out hope my SQ silkie is a girl to make nice babies with Vinnie. Cross fingers!

I had a BR with lice last week....the underbelly plumage had all the fuzz stuck to the feather shafts, I dipped them in the poultry protector then I oiled the belly area for good measure. Yuck! I hope no others get them. That is a lot of chickens to de-bug. Christina, I sure hope yours don't give you a headache--you have lots and lots! Icky.

Brian congrats on getting all moved in! So happy you have found a good place that is chicken friendly.

Good luck Lisa. I have an EE pipped. :)
I hope my three SG's that go into lock down on Wed. all make it. The one has a real wacky air sac, way up the side. I think I may be helping it, just hoping it doesn't have a crossed beak, because most of the ones that I've hatched with high air sacs have the crossed beak/or messed up heads/eyes. At least the silkie ones do. The smaller eggs.
I am pretty sure I have three of the others too. So, I may get something out of the two batches. I absolutely love the SG's photos of the person I just bought these eggs from, and she was great sending me more, but I wouldn't order from Nebraska again. :/ Lisa, RIRJen is the one that I think your pretty boy came from. And, the girl that my friend has. Her pictures don't show many with the bowtie, but some do.
FIrst baby is out! Ok so this is an Orange Naked Neck Turken Mom, crossed with my paint Showgirl Rooster (white with a black polka dot or two).

A BLACK baby? Weird huh! It looks to be nearly all Showgirl...five toes, black skin (some pink on neck but alot of SG have some pink at birth)...but has a single comb. Yay!


Now I have a different hen's egg pipped---this hen is a FBCM Xcuckoo cross. She is solid black...and the daddy is the paint SG rooster again, white with black polka dots...and this baby is WHITE?!! So weird.
OMG, Lisa they are so cute.  I can't wait to see what they look like all fluffed out and dried. 

It is so fun to see what they are all turning out to be! This white one is not all the way out yet, but looks like a proper White NN Turken--white skin, white feathers, naked necked, regular toes. Wonder if it would lay a choc egg like its Marans mom? That would be kind of cool. I still cannot believe it is white. I thought those chicks would be black for sure. And I figured the Orange NN mama's babies would be white or orange, never even thought black would happen!

These were the eggs that went clear up to 108 at night, so I am glad any are hatching at all. I think there are two more good eggs in there. Another batch should hatch next week. The quail eggs that got hot with them only gave me 3 out of 18, The next batch did not overheat (yet!) and there are lots more, of both the quail and the same two mixes I have hatching now, the NN/SG and the marans/SG. Hope that bator behaves itself :p
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A better pic of the black one....and guess what!?? The white one is a PAINT~! Yay! only it is a NN not a SG lol


See the polka dots? Cool huh! Keeping this one. Just came out of the shell. Wilget a fluffy pic of this one in awhile.

Hi all! We passed the inspection today. Bitter sweet. DH stayed there so that he could be there when they were going through our property. He said that the AC officer told him it was a different house from what I had said before. Not one we suspected at all. I am going to have to talk to him about that. Did she actually tell him? Weird. All my chickens are permanent residents now. I guess if I move my one coop, they will go ahead with the 25 bird permit. Ironically, it is not the "problem" coop that needs to be moved. The original one, the one that looks like a house, is too close to our house. They have plenty of space between the neighbors and the coop. Debating whether or not to move the coops. Since I can't raise them, I don't know that I really need more of them. I do still have the two wheaten ameraucana boys. They don't crow. They do a long chirp sometimes, I wonder if that's it for them? Part of me feels a bit discouraged because my founding stock just got wiped out. I can't decide if I will want to/be able to start over again. I was so excited for this. To be this close to adult birds and have it all taken away... Ah well. Time heals.

I am convinced that I need a new home. I have wanted more space for years (ever since I first moved in with my hubby and discovered that plenty of room for a family of five is tight for a family of eight, then we added another!), but this just seals the deal for me. I have been searching for property and homes. Just need to figure out what can go where. A home with eight acres does me no good if I still can't keep livestock. Also need to find a space that is a reasonable driving distance for both DH and myself to get to work. We work at opposite ends of the valley so either way, at least one of us will have a commute. Hopefully we don't both end up adding hours to our drive. I keep hoping that DH will come to me with something that he is excited about, but so far, he just kinda shrugs at everything I show him. The two of us are usually so united in everything that I feel really lonely with this.

I really am feeling better, I am sorry to keep coming on here so negative. Better but not best I guess
A better pic of the black one....and guess what!?? The white one is a PAINT~! Yay! only it is a NN not a SG lol

See the polka dots? Cool huh! Keeping this one. Just came out of the shell. Wilget a fluffy pic of this one in awhile.

Awwww! Fluffy!!!! The other one looks like it might be paint?
Awwww! Fluffy!!!! The other one looks like it might be paint?

Ya! And it's spots are in the same place they are on my rooster. How funny is that? A total muttsie cutesie.

Best of luck with what you decide. Funny how things can change so fast due to one person's actions. Sad. It is a lesson to us all I guess how the consequences of everything we do can affect others. I am glad you can at least keep some girls for pets. For now. Hope your Am's stay chirping! They are getting plenty old, maybe they will never do the full crow! That would be awesome.
A better pic of the black one....and guess what!?? The white one is a PAINT~! Yay! only it is a NN not a SG lol

See the polka dots? Cool huh! Keeping this one. Just came out of the shell. Wilget a fluffy pic of this one in awhile.

I'm in love with them, they are so dang cute. Good thing you said you are keeping them, or I would be driving to your house this weekend to pick them up. They are awesome!

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