
Oh man, I was just posting this on FB, thought I would share here, it is funny. My 13 yr old is something else. Sees the world differently than anybody I know. And he loves words....especially ones that raise his momma's eyebrows, in this case apparently he was having a lot of fun with the word "crap".

Conversation with my 13 yr old while doing yard work.....
"Hey mom, do you call these things crapapples because they taste so crappy?"
"No Erik, they are..."
"They are just crappy apples? Small and crappy?"
"No, they are..."
"Oh is it because they make you crap alot?"
"NO ERIK!, they are..."
"Is it because the dogs crap alot under that tree?"
"Oh ya (he laughs) I get it because they make you crabby when I ask about them, right?"

***Brother!**** "Ya Erik, that's it"!

What a humdinger that boy. I promise he was not raised by wolves. But he sure is funny sometimes!
Oh man, I was just posting this on FB, thought I would share here, it is funny. My 13 yr old is something else. Sees the world differently than anybody I know. And he loves words....especially ones that raise his momma's eyebrows, in this case apparently he was having a lot of fun with the word "crap".

Conversation with my 13 yr old while doing yard work.....
"Hey mom, do you call these things crapapples because they taste so crappy?"
"No Erik, they are..."
"They are just crappy apples? Small and crappy?"
"No, they are..."
"Oh is it because they make you crap alot?"
"NO ERIK!, they are..."
"Is it because the dogs crap alot under that tree?"
"Oh ya (he laughs) I get it because they make you crabby when I ask about them, right?"

***Brother!**** "Ya Erik, that's it"!

What a humdinger that boy. I promise he was not raised by wolves. But he sure is funny sometimes!

too cute
Oh my gosh Lisa, that is so funny! It made me laugh. Kids say the darnedest things..........and teenagers......

My meeting with the bishop went well. I am feeling better, and he is going to help me get some counseling.
Lisa..those teens..can be quick! Sounds like your son is quick witted. I love that in people.

Red..this is sounding great. You have a good Bishop there. :))
Hey everyone, i just wanted to let you all know i still have a Bantam RIR Roo and Pullet. They are still really young. They do have a 25 watt light at night but not during the day. They are really cute and and could easily be hand trained. They are about 2 months old but still look like chicks just fully feathered. They are free to any of my friends on BYC and i can deliver if it not to far. I will post some pictures tomorrow. These are really small birds when fully grown. They was raised be a LF (one of the top of the pecking order) hen so they are not little weak things. They know how to dig for food and will eat any veggies you give them. They are not afraid of my cats and will stand their ground when confronted. You could easily add these two little ones to your flock and not worry.
Brian is a wonderful..almost neighbor. LOL...he just brought us some really yummy home made Apple Juice! It is sooo good. My grandkids that showed up while you were here Brian, loved it! It has such a nice tart taste. You know that Brandi and I love that!

It's always good talking with Brian and seeing him. Hope that rooster stays quiet for you, wouldn't that be something? You get to keep a LF Rooster! No fair!! lol...
Thank you for youe input guys! Lisa, red and cynthia This is the gold sex-link in question. Sorry the pictures aren't that great.




Brian is a wonderful..almost neighbor.  LOL...he just brought us some really yummy home made Apple Juice!  It is sooo good.  My grandkids that showed up while you were here Brian, loved it!   It has such a nice tart taste.  You know that Brandi and I love that! 

It's always good talking with Brian and seeing him.  Hope that rooster stays quiet for you, wouldn't that be something?  You get to keep a LF Rooster!  No fair!!   lol...
I'm happy you loved it! Its some good stuff haha. Your too sweet. I'm pretty sure my LF is a rooster. But if he makes no noise I am gonna keep him. Hes so stupid its hilarious. I love it when I get to spend time with you Cynthia! I was hesitant to join this forum but if I didn't I would not have met all you wonderful people:) have a great day everyone:):)
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Thank you for youe input guys! Lisa, red and cynthia This is the gold sex-link in question. Sorry the pictures aren't that great.





Hey! That is not a GSL....that is a whole 'nother chickin! ? My GSL's that hatched male were all white...were mine just weird?

Actually, maybe mine were just weird. Was this one from a Delaware mom? That would explain the black maybe?
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