
I am going to have hatching eggs available this week. I will have frizzled Americanas, frizzled turkins. Let me know if the list members want any They are $1.25 each. Also if anyone does any hatchery orders let me know I want to order a few chicks but not a full order.

On Geez, that is so tempting, I so want a Frizzled Americana and maybe even a Turkin. But I think I should wait. We are going out of town a few times in June and a full week in the beginning of July. Can I get some in July around the middle of the month. I would hate to have 1 1/2 month old babies outside when I'm not home. I'm already worried about the girls for the full week I will be gone, but they will have full run of both their run and the backyard with lots and lots of shade and grass, and I will have someone come over a few times to make sure they have food, water and get the eggs, but I would be a worry wart with smaller chicks.

Side note, I have 3 chicks now. Welsummer, Brown Legbar, and an EE, not one pip yet in my OE, I want to cry. Come on babies! I have about 7 more pips, the other Welsummer, another Leghorn, and then the rest are EEs and 1 Ameraucana. But not on OE. Trying to be patient.
Hi! I am so glad that I found this thread! I am a total newbie so I hope that I'm posting this right
A few days ago I picked up a few silkies from CAL-Ranch. The next day I was looking on ksl and saw Chase Hatchery's ad on ksl and decided that I needed 2 more. When I got there I was really surprised that it was just a tiny garage, but never having done this before I thought maybe that's normal? It also seemed like she had those babies packed in there really tight! I tend to go overboard in the opposite direction and spoil my critters so I was trying not to be too critical. When I told her that I wanted silkies she asked if I wanted boys or girls. I told her that I didn't think it was possible to sex silkies this young. She said that she was able to tell by their size. She had this little black one that she was sure was a pullet.. I took her/him and another little white one.

Iluvmysilkies- I think I'm the one that bought that little black baby! It has been a nightmare! Within a couple hours of getting home (it's a 20 minute drive to Bountiful) (s)he was dead. Then by the next morning the white one was dead. Then my other babies started acting sick.
I've been panicked thinking it's me! But, my friend who has had chickens her whole life keeps promising me that my brooder is perfect and that I've done everything I should have and could have done. This morning I only have 1 baby left. Help! What should I do? I want to have silkies. I don't think I'll show, so pet quality is fine for now. Should I buy locally or online? Thank you!!!
Oh my gosh abkoldewyn I am soo sorry! That just sickens me deep in the gut to hear. If you did indeed buy that black baby then thats just sick and wrong of that breeder! I told her that baby was dying :( Was it the only black one left with a bunch of buffs/cream colored ones? I cant believe she went ahead and sold it. That just proves she doesent care and just wanted the money. Did she charge full price for both of them? Do you remember which day it was? I went there on April 5th when I saw that lil black baby. Where do you live? I just went the the ifa store in american fork and they have have a brand new shipment in :) Most are buffs but there are a couple blues and a black. I keep contemplating gong back and getting that black before someone else does lol but I want one thats more heavily bearded. But half the babies in there look bearded, mostly the buffs/whites. Not sure on the overall quality but some look pretty good in there. And the lindon nursery is suppose to get some more in any day. I am waiting to check theirs out :)
Sundance, I am still wanting Austrawhite from Cackle, if anybody orders on here too....

BAD morning today...My chicken eating dog Duke has not gotten any birds for a long time. We really watch him close.

This morning, my son let him out before he got on the bus and forgot to put him back in, I looked out and saw him going crazy by the silkie pen...I ran out and he had grabbed my blue partridge silkie "topaz" through a small crack between the coop and run, her head must have been close enough to grab, she has been sitting on eggs right there. It is only about 2 inches wide I don't know how he did it. She died about an hour later, I think he broke her neck. I have been so upset. That darn dog makes me so mad sometimes, but it was something we should have prevented. She was so very pretty and so (expensive!) to get, Grrrrrr I had to vent here, my family just does not understand likeyou guys do. boohoo! :hit She just wanted to hatch babies. Poor girl won't get to see them hatch.

The saddest thing of all, I have never seen chickens do this....the other four girls are in the coop, in the corner, huddled together, and one is making the craziest most forlorn sound, I swear she is crying. It is really sad they are totally scared to death. I have fixed the crack, but I doubt they are coming out anytime soon. Poor babies!
Hi! I am so glad that I found this thread! I am a total newbie so I hope that I'm posting this right :)!
A few days ago I picked up a few silkies from CAL-Ranch. The next day I was looking on ksl and saw Chase Hatchery's ad on ksl and decided that I needed 2 more. When I got there I was really surprised that it was just a tiny garage, but never having done this before I thought maybe that's normal? It also seemed like she had those babies packed in there really tight! I tend to go overboard in the opposite direction and spoil my critters so I was trying not to be too critical. When I told her that I wanted silkies she asked if I wanted boys or girls. I told her that I didn't think it was possible to sex silkies this young. She said that she was able to tell by their size. She had this little black one that she was sure was a pullet.. I took her/him and another little white one.

Iluvmysilkies- I think I'm the one that bought that little black baby! It has been a nightmare! Within a couple hours of getting home (it's a 20 minute drive to Bountiful) (s)he was dead. Then by the next morning the white one was dead. Then my other babies started acting sick. :( I've been panicked thinking it's me! But, my friend who has had chickens her whole life keeps promising me that my brooder is perfect and that I've done everything I should have and could have done. This morning I only have 1 baby left. Help! What should I do? I want to have silkies. I don't think I'll show, so pet quality is fine for now. Should I buy locally or online? Thank you!!!

This breaks my heart for you, I am so sorry! (Welcome by the way, but sorry this has to be your first post darn it!) Diseases are terrible...Marek's can stay in the soil for 7 years, seriously, do be careful about getting chicks from somewhere that has had this kind of problem with illnesses. I would definitely ask for my money back, given that she knows they are not well....I sure hope her birds don't infect many many flocks to all the people who have bought from her. It could end up affecting all of us with the way people trade and sell chickens around these parts.

Cynthia, can you please post some recommendations on where to buy silkie and showgirl eggs? Breeders you have had good luck with? I have loved the ones I got from Silkie Sue (nice SQ but about 40-50% hatch rate) ), and Rivendell Farms(not as perfect SQ but excellent hatch rates). I am thinking of trying one more batch...exp after this happened this morning. I might try Rivendell again, but he does not sell often.
Oh my gosh abkoldewyn I am soo sorry! That just sickens me deep in the gut to hear. If you did indeed buy that black baby then thats just sick and wrong of that breeder! I told her that baby was dying :( Was it the only black one left with a bunch of buffs/cream colored ones? I cant believe she went ahead and sold it. That just proves she doesent care and just wanted the money. Did she charge full price for both of them? Do you remember which day it was? I went there on April 5th when I saw that lil black baby. Where do you live? I just went the the ifa store in american fork and they have have a brand new shipment in :) Most are buffs but there are a couple blues and a black. I keep contemplating gong back and getting that black before someone else does lol but I want one thats more heavily bearded. But half the babies in there look bearded, mostly the buffs/whites. Not sure on the overall quality but some look pretty good in there. And the lindon nursery is suppose to get some more in any day. I am waiting to check theirs out :)

I would say don't be in a hurry. There will be healthy silkie chicks available soon from breeders here.
Sundance, I am still wanting Austrawhite from Cackle, if anybody orders on here too....

BAD morning today...My chicken eating dog Duke has not gotten any birds for a long time. We really watch him close.

This morning, my son let him out before he got on the bus and forgot to put him back in, I looked out and saw him going crazy by the silkie pen...I ran out and he had grabbed my blue partridge silkie "topaz" through a small crack between the coop and run, her head must have been close enough to grab, she has been sitting on eggs right there. It is only about 2 inches wide I don't know how he did it. She died about an hour later, I think he broke her neck. I have been so upset. That darn dog makes me so mad sometimes, but it was something we should have prevented. She was so very pretty and so (expensive!) to get, Grrrrrr I had to vent here, my family just does not understand likeyou guys do. boohoo!
She just wanted to hatch babies. Poor girl won't get to see them hatch.

The saddest thing of all, I have never seen chickens do this....the other four girls are in the coop, in the corner, huddled together, and one is making the craziest most forlorn sound, I swear she is crying. It is really sad they are totally scared to death. I have fixed the crack, but I doubt they are coming out anytime soon. Poor babies!

Lisa I am so sorry. That blasted dog. Have you tried a shock collar on it. My friend has a dog that was a chicken chaser. Used the shock collar now it ignors the chickens, Just a thought.
Lisa I am so sorry.  That blasted dog.  Have you tried a shock collar on it.  My friend has a dog that was a chicken chaser.  Used the shock collar now it ignors the chickens,  Just a thought. 

Good idea, I might have to try it. Duke gets so focused you can't get his attention when he goes into predator mode. He is a really sweet dog, but mice and birds, beware...I worry he is teaching my little sweet peke-pom to hunt chickens, Howie always plays with them and is really gentle, but he watched Duke terrorize that silkie and he was sniffing at her when I got out there, I don't want him to know the taste of blood on my chickens! Howie is a great herder, when they get let out of the run, when it is time to go back in I just open the door and he herds them all right in.
Good idea, I might have to try it. Duke gets so focused you can't get his attention when he goes into predator mode. He is a really sweet dog, but mice and birds, beware...I worry he is teaching my little sweet peke-pom to hunt chickens, Howie always plays with them and is really gentle, but he watched Duke terrorize that silkie and he was sniffing at her when I got out there, I don't want him to know the taste of blood on my chickens! Howie is a great herder, when they get let out of the run, when it is time to go back in I just open the door and he herds them all right in.

I have a chick. Really surprised Went to the store to get easter stuff for grandkids came back and heard a cheep. It had already hatched. It was one of the blue eggs. I am surprised as I had such a hard time with Ed messing with the humidity
So, so very sorry Lisa on your Silkie. I'm always worried that my neighbor dog or my stupid little terrier will end up back there some how. Hugs...

Yah! Sundance, your husband didn't totally miss up your hatch. What are you hatching?

I have 6 chicks, and one EE is starting to zip. I took 4 of them out and put them in the brooder, I was just going to leave them alone, but they were rolling the broken shells completely over the others. So I had to remove the shells since the one that was zipping I'm sure didn't want to break through another shell. I have 2 in the bator that are still drying off.

Right now I have 2 Brown Leghorns (Sorry Cynthia, they are brown little chipmunks, but your still welcome to have one). 2 Welsummers, 1 EE, and 1 OE, and an EE on the way. The OE hatched so fast I never even saw it pip, came home from getting my daughter at school and it was there. I hope the rest follow, because I have no other OE pips. But my little OE looks just like a Maran chick, love her! And still nothing on my friends chicks. So crossing all fingers there they start speeding it up already!

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