
My understanding is that he can't hunt them within city limits, but people might be tired enough of them to have the city change that policy.
Well explained. The tom I got last fall probably weighed close to 12-15 pounds. I couldn't imagine getting hit by one of his big wings. And some of the toms can develop some really mean spurs that could cause a lot of damage if they felt trapped. Be careful.  

Oh, right. I forgot about the spurs! Sometimes they get them on their wings, too. Like a spike for a thumb. Man, those things hurt!

Where I live the town is three blocks wide and about eight blocks long, I am 660 feet from the city limits to the west and 1320 feet to the east. We are a town but not a very big one. I have about four acres on which I can free range the flocks in better weather. Thank you [COLOR=FF0000]Red[/COLOR] for the correct usage of the terms for boy turkeys, I knew you would know such things, and now a bunch of other folks do too. 

And it is not like I left the door open and went into the house, I was working in that coop, just went to get a bucket of pellets…  nonetheless I've to improve my defenses against the relentless intruder. The DW posted the banty pickled egg photograph on her social thing last evening, now we are over run with folks wanting banty eggs. :)  i am getting a dozen or better a day so a place for them to go is good by me. I've not tried pickled pigs feet Cyn, I'll have to trust you that they are good. ;)  

The girls are" Rolling in the Deep" dirt of the bathhouse today, sunshine and dry dusty dirt make for happy chickens. Saw my first live chicks of the season this a.m. I am just stunned that I did not bring them all home. All of them. They are just so darn cute. :jumpy  I am left to wonder… how many would be enough, if you could put a number on it. My poor fifty is just not enough, I know it. :)

Best to all and your projects & birds,


Haha sorry RJ, I wasn't trying to accuse you of neglect. Turkeys are very curious and I should know better that they would just help themselves to the coop. Brazen little turds! I once had a hen figure out how to get into the feed barrel while I had the lid off......brat. They're naughty when it comes to food.
The Utah fancy poultry assn. is having their spring show March 17,18,19 fpr more information call mike spencer 801 561 8507 its at the legacy event center in Davis county I won't be back to Utah yet but it looks like fun
Have some of Bubba's babies hatching.  Yaay.  First one out is one of the leghorn's Lisa.  And guess how it looks?   White, with black spots.  Only, not sure yet as it is still wet, but looks to have some buff on the back legs..will see.  Man, they are big babies compared to the others, but then again, those eggs are bigger than the others!
pic please!
I think it might be true about chickens being the gateway animal. Look what we got last night...





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I think it might be true about chickens being the gateway animal. Look what we got last night...

How adorable.

Also, for those looking for hatching eggs, Farm Country at Thanksgiving Point sells eggs from their pens for 50 cents each. I was tempted, but they only have leghorn eggs right now.

I'll probably try again later in the year because I think the Cochins in their pens are beautiful.
My son's kindergarten class got a dz leghorn eggs last year from Thanksgiving Point, and had 100% hatch rate! they even opened the lid when each chick was hatching for like 15 - 20 minutes at a time!!! it was both teachers' first time hatching...
cute pig lisa :) hope it stays small for you. i know people who get all their pork for free because people get those and are told they will stay small but then they get huge. such smart animals tho and they can be so much fun. best of luck to you

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