
Great prom photos!

So I posted a thread...I thought on here but it's not showing, so here it is. https://www.backyardchickens.com/t/666980/surpise-chicky

Dora's doing well this morning after an ER call to Cynthia yesterday as I had no clue what to do. Mom had started pecking her head once she started moving under her so we got chicky out quick and called the doc of chicks.

She came fm a light brown egg but she looks pretty much like all EE chicks, that chipmunk look. I swear her cheeks are puffier this morning, not sure if that comes in later or they are born with?

Anyway, I'm praying I get at least one more chick out of those eggs for a friend for her! We gave her a canadian goose beanie baby to help lol. I'll post more pics later but it's hard, she keeps trying to follow me. too cute!

That baby is adorable..looking up at you like that! You will be her fav. until she gets new company. lol...she does need a friend. You should come down and get one of my silkies. They aren't newborn, but they are just a week old today, very small, and I think they would do just fine together. In fact, your little one will be wanting to get right under the Silkie like it's mom for a while..for warmth.
I didn't catch that the broody meanine mom was a bantam Ameraucana..that makes more sense that she would be broody. A bantam. :) Let me know if you want one of these Silkies. I have two with beautiful vaulted crests, I am keeping one. Not sure you saw the pictures I posted last week, but here they are.. just a day old

I'm keeping the Partridge up front, and there is a showgirl in there somewhere that I am keeping, unless she, decides to crow someday. Oh, I see her, she is hanging over the partridge. That one with the funky hairdo up front is one of the tall vaulted heads..going to be pretty. I am keeping the one in the back.
Oh, they are so cute! Let me see if we get a chick today - she's still on about 8 eggs. I think I'll take your suggestion on the remaining banty eggs. I'm not sure they are alive (or even fertile) and I don't want one exploding under her. The full size eggs should hatch today but no pips...those too could come late.

If we don't hv chick(s) by this afternoon I'll see if I can talk my DH into a drive down there. He commutes every day so he's not too thrilled to drive on the wkends.

Here's some pics from today. I'm thinking she just might be pure EE, looks too chipmunky to be a mix of silkie (clean feet) or game hen, my only other banty's from that coop are EE's (or the true Ameracuana but the egg wasn't her blue egg) and the quail antwerps. Her feet are starting to go green too. Here's a couple pics I just took.

That baby is adorable..looking up at you like that! You will be her fav. until she gets new company. lol...she does need a friend. You should come down and get one of my silkies. They aren't newborn, but they are just a week old today, very small, and I think they would do just fine together. In fact, your little one will be wanting to get right under the Silkie like it's mom for a while..for warmth.
I didn't catch that the broody meanine mom was a bantam Ameraucana..that makes more sense that she would be broody. A bantam. :) Let me know if you want one of these Silkies. I have two with beautiful vaulted crests, I am keeping one. Not sure you saw the pictures I posted last week, but here they are.. just a day old

I'm keeping the Partridge up front, and there is a showgirl in there somewhere that I am keeping, unless she, decides to crow someday. Oh, I see her, she is hanging over the partridge. That one with the funky hairdo up front is one of the tall vaulted heads..going to be pretty. I am keeping the one in the back.
Brad, you tell your dad, he will be soo glad that he retired now.  It's better than what my DH did..you heard that story when we met.  At least your dad is retiring on his own. Wow, I thought Scott's 25 years was a long time..38 years!  How can they be like that to him?  Why aren't the people that have worked at a place be more appreciated?  They know they can get anyone to take his place, and probably for less money.  Tell you dad that Scott is really enjoying his retirement now.  Was worried at first, but once things got worked out, he is loving it.  Well he should!  He has me to live with!!  :gig  
  And, our son will be out by the end of the summer.  That will be a bit strange.  At least he is gone a lot with work, dates, and church activities.  That seems to be like a weaning type of thing.  :)  But, have to say, this week has been getting to me.  He will graduate next Wed.  This was his last day of school..high school no more..my baby!   I'm getting these waves of sadness, knowing he will be gone this year. 
  My Pencil is buds with the black girl I posted up there..they are always together! 
 Sprinkler valves?   Do you do sprinkler heads?  Come to my house..I have like three of those crazy things that need to be fixed!!  Poor Scott has been busy with other things, yes, there is work after work..lol..but he has been busy doing things with our trucks and car.  (plus my honey do list helps keep him busy)

  Lisa, yes, that's the girl.  She is finally getting a comb, and, it's turning pink. It's been so black!  Flat, and black.  She went through the..where in the heck did those puffy cheeks go, to this. Plus, her neck is real puffy.  I have seen those in pictures..but never had one.  Really pretty.  That would be nice if she laid a blue egg.  Love you too lady bug!  I can see your smile at this very moment.   Beautiful smile. 
yeah he has been so loyal to the company and has given all he has for them, he has done their dirty work and has been their fall back guy. but you know they can get some young punk to do it cheaper but that punk does not have the experience my dad has. my dad has worked for them longer than most the employees have been alive lol. my dad still cant believe its going to happen, he is in shock, a little fearful but so happy he will not have the stress. but anyway congrats on your new bator! yep i see you going chick crazy with your son gone. my bro had planned to go on a mission for his church, bought everything, did the paperwork, got his picture done etc, but then he met this girl and well i now have the most amazing sister in law :D lisa you have such a beautiful daughter! she got her good looks from you i see :) and that is so sweet she would put up with going just so he could go, she is a very kind and caring lady :) welcome to all the new and old members i did not welcome, i tend to forget lol. sorry about all the problems you all are having :( i know its hard to give up a roo, last year i rescued a meat bird chick and had to find it a home, found this asian guy and told him not to tell me what he was going to do with it, he came and picked it up and him and his young wife started to cuddle it and told me it would have a full life and would be loved forever, now i am not stupid but it sure helped that he put on the act for me and he was very thankful. his family was very poor and needed food so even if he ate it it would be okay with me, but i loved that he put on the act for me. anyway do you all remember that i found a home for two of my leghorns with a friend? one of them went broody for me last year and was the most determined broody i have ever seen and remember she is a leghorn, well she has gone broody for my friend now and she has roosters so this girl may just have the chance to hatch out some chicks :D
Brad, I remember Scott being nervous too. Shucks, they worked all those years!! It's a whole new world coming up for him. Like I said, Scott was pretty upset, but he kept busy at first, just trying to figure out how he wanted his 401 done, and his Army retirement done, and another small 401 done from a co. he worked for..for a lot of years. Plus, SS. Plus, Ins. Thankfully, retiring from the Army is a very good thing! They will do ins. until you hit 65, then you have to get another ins.. Medicare..but, they will do secondary for a very good price! We plan on doing just that. So, your dad will be busy getting everything set up the way he wants it..money sent to the bank..money sent to your house? What ever works best for you. Other things come up. So, he will be busy that way in the day. Now, for the evening and night time. Tell you mom, to expect a new puppy dog following her around for a while. LOL...at least, that's how it was for my hubby. I had heard about this, but didn't know it would really happen. They just don't know what to do. Now that the money stuff is taken care of and figured out..I have a honey do list for him any time he's bored.
And, he doesn't mind, because he likes to keep busy. He is really enjoying being home now. It will happen for your dad.

A leghorn, went broody> man, wish you could post a picture of that one! Let us know if she gets any babies to hatch.
Does anyone know of any feedstores (that would carry chick feed) that are open today?

btw Cynthia... it's too bad we didn't try to open the other banty eggs yesterday. Of 7 1 was non fertile, the rest had chicks. One we could have saved, it had no yolk left and was quite dry. We so hoped we'd see movement :( The others look like they died about a wk ago...the mom decided to take over the silkies nest (who went nonbroody and was setting on the 3 fullsize eggs). I was leaving for work when I noticed she switched nests so I felt the banty eggs and they were COLD. So I'm shocked that little Dora even made it. It was at that time I put all eggs under the hen.

My daughter checked the calendar and the fullsize eggs are due to hatch tomorrow (and I won't be home). They will be (if survived) bigger chicks and I took the silkie out so maybe mom will leave them alone, praying they hatch.

Still debating making a drive to your place for a silkie friend, I really appreciate the offer! I don't want Dora all alone 24/7 since the work week's starting. Do you happen to have a cup of chick feed I could buy until I can get to my feedstore? Dora's not too interested in eating yet (I tried crumbled egg yolk) but I'm sure she will tomorrow. Are you driving up my way (or SL/Provo way) to possibly meet?

BTW all! I discovered that steaming fresh eggs peel GREAT!! I have tried every method suggested for fresh eggs but since Dora need some I decided to give my rice steamer a try this morning. It was AWESOME!!

Edited to add: Never mind about me coming down. DH said he doesn't want to drive that far for a chick and a cup of chick feed when I can get feed tomorrow. I'm hoping the IFA by his work in SL might still hv chicks, maybe I can talk him into picking one up. I'm not real sure those 3 eggs will hatch, I don't hear any peeping. There's chicks that I can tell but no visible movement. but then Dora made it so I keep hoping ...
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Your chick is adorable! She has such big eyes. Cal Ranch is open on Sundays, you might try them for a bag of chick feed. I know they sell chicks there so I would think they would sell the supplys as well.
Hi Everyone!
I've been pretty quiet lately-I've been SUPER busy getting ready for our big Atkinson Family reunion this coming Saturday. It's here at our house because this was great grandpa & grandma's place, and we have the room. :) I'm going to post some pics of the new coop in just a little bit.

I candled my eggs tonight (that I got from BluJems & Slvphoenix). Had started with 23, 3 days in 1 wasn't developing. 1 week in, had to toss 9 quitters. We started into day 15 as of 3pm today. I'm happy to report all of the remaining Wyandotte bantams are developing right along
but the cochin bantams are having a rough time. I had to toss 1, and another is iffy looking. I only have 2 left if the iffy egg doesn't make it. Tossed 5 of the 9 cochins 1 week in. Hmm. Something must be up with the roo and hen's DNA not mixing well. Of the 2 cochin eggs that look good, one of them is MUCH bigger than the other cochin eggs. The chick is the same size as the rest of them but there's a lot of fluid in the extra space (but the air cell looks great). So I'm pretty worried about that one. Maybe I shouldn't have set it?
I guess we'll find out soon! We should have chicks pipping during the family reunion. How cool is that? :)

Cynthia! Your DH is retired Army? Mine too! He did 23 years, 9 months active duty. He started out as a chemical guy, but quickly went to EOD (Explosive Ordnance Disposal) 21 years-ish of playing with bombs and he kept all his fingers and toes.
He just retired this past October, and is still kind of adjusting. Heck, so am I!
Hi Everyone!
I've been pretty quiet lately-I've been SUPER busy getting ready for our big Atkinson Family reunion this coming Saturday. It's here at our house because this was great grandpa & grandma's place, and we have the room. :) I'm going to post some pics of the new coop in just a little bit.

I candled my eggs tonight (that I got from BluJems & Slvphoenix). Had started with 23, 3 days in 1 wasn't developing. 1 week in, had to toss 9 quitters. We started into day 15 as of 3pm today. I'm happy to report all of the remaining Wyandotte bantams are developing right along
but the cochin bantams are having a rough time. I had to toss 1, and another is iffy looking. I only have 2 left if the iffy egg doesn't make it. Tossed 5 of the 9 cochins 1 week in. Hmm. Something must be up with the roo and hen's DNA not mixing well. Of the 2 cochin eggs that look good, one of them is MUCH bigger than the other cochin eggs. The chick is the same size as the rest of them but there's a lot of fluid in the extra space (but the air cell looks great). So I'm pretty worried about that one. Maybe I shouldn't have set it?
I guess we'll find out soon! We should have chicks pipping during the family reunion. How cool is that? :)

Cynthia! Your DH is retired Army? Mine too! He did 23 years, 9 months active duty. He started out as a chemical guy, but quickly went to EOD (Explosive Ordnance Disposal) 21 years-ish of playing with bombs and he kept all his fingers and toes.
He just retired this past October, and is still kind of adjusting. Heck, so am I!
My hubby retired from the Army, but this wasn't his regular job. He worked at a company for 25 years, and was in the National Guard for 26 years.
Man, glad your husband had no mishaps with that job!!
After dragging his feet for a few weeks (he was working on other projects!) the DH is almost done with the coop! He didn't have a plan or anything, he just winged it and came up with plans (with some input from me) as he went.

We decided to separate the coop. Half for the big chickens, half for the banties. The wall separating the two sides is half chicken wire, (so the breeze can blow through) and half wood-so that they chickens don't have to look at each other if they don't want to. LOL Both wire and wood are doubled up.

Once the coop is done, we'll get the 6' fence up, and although we haven't had hawk problems, I bought bird netting for the top as well.

The bigger opening on the left of the pic will be the door for the chickens to use. the hole in the floor is so that I can push the shavings/straw/whatever out, and hose it out into a muck bucket. The linoleum goes up all the walls a couple inches. Oh, and the hole in the floor will have a cover to close it. ;)

tomorrow, we'll finish the doors, nesting boxes and roof. :) we plan to insulate and wall up the inside this fall.

Each side of the coop is 4x8'
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