
Sundance, sorry to hear that you are heading back to your not so favorite place. Keep us updated on how you are doing. You have a wonderful husband!
Going into hospital for a few days so Ed will be tending
Hoping things are okay.

Please take care of yourself and keep us informed.
Cutest thing ever today. Got my first Houdan egg....but it was so funny, she was in the doghouse coop making a racket, and this went on for three hours...and my Rooster Dwight was pacing like a nervous daddy at first, clucking and cooing and spinning in circles...he really was worried. Then, he went in there and nestled down next to her, clucking and making these soft cute little noises the whole time she sat there, just being her friend. Right up against her. He was so worried about her, I just loved watching him be such a good boy. He even chased the other girls out a few times when they tried to come in. "Give us some privacy here!" So funny. What a sweetheart :love I had no idea I would love a rooster like I love him. At night when we put him in the garage, he comes to the front of the run and waits for us at dusk. We open the gate and he runs up to the house, waits on the porch for us to open the door and pick him up. He is just so adorable! I hope he lives forever. And stays sweet forever :p Knocking on wood!
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Cutest thing ever today. Got my first Houdan egg....but it was so funny, she was in the doghouse coop making a racket, and this went on for three hours...and my Rooster Dwight was pacing like a nervous daddy at first, clucking and cooing and spinning in circles...he really was worried. Then, he went in there and nestled down next to her, clucking and making these soft cute little noises the whole time she sat there, just being her friend. Right up against her. He was so worried about her, I just loved watching him be such a good boy. He even chased the other girls out a few times when they tried to come in. "Give us some privacy here!" So funny. What a sweetheart
I had no idea I would love a rooster like I love him. At night when we put him in the garage, he comes to the front of the run and waits for us at dusk. We open the gate and he runs up to the house, waits on the porch for us to open the door and pick him up. He is just so adorable! I hope he lives forever. And stays sweet forever
Knocking on wood!

My Houdan girl is ready! I just don't know where she will lay it. She can't climb to the coop.
My Houdan girl is ready! I just don't know where she will lay it. She can't climb to the coop.

Uh oh! She still not figuring it out? I saw someone on here...I think it was Gary maybe? With a 5 gallon bucket turned on its side with shavings in it. Maybe something like that would give her a place? Poor thing. Haha though it is kind of funny. They are so dorky.

You putting yours in the fair? I am thinking about putting a trio of them in. I sooo don't want them to get sick. But I sooooo want to put something in the fair I have always wanted to and never end up doing it. If I do I am spraying their cages down first at the very least. And sending my son to stand guard the whole time. I don't know if I can leave them there like that I will be worse off than when I sent my son to scout camp :/
Uh oh! She still not figuring it out? I saw someone on here...I think it was Gary maybe? With a 5 gallon bucket turned on its side with shavings in it. Maybe something like that would give her a place? Poor thing. Haha though it is kind of funny. They are so dorky.

You putting yours in the fair? I am thinking about putting a trio of them in. I sooo don't want them to get sick. But I sooooo want to put something in the fair I have always wanted to and never end up doing it. If I do I am spraying their cages down first at the very least. And sending my son to stand guard the whole time. I don't know if I can leave them there like that I will be worse off than when I sent my son to scout camp

Nope! I don't do the Fair thing.

I do have an external nest box that is close to the ground and someone has been sitting in it the last few days....my guess is it is her. I do have two Wheaten Am's from blugems that are getting very red faced too.
Nope! I don't do the Fair thing.

I do have an external nest box that is close to the ground and someone has been sitting in it the last few days....my guess is it is her. I do have two Wheaten Am's from blugems that are getting very red faced too.

Exciting, New layers are so fun :) Hope you get some soon! I bet it is her. I have two more girls to go...one looks even more ready than the one that laid, one is barely pink. They are 20 1/2 weeks old so it is time! I wanted to see if anyone else was putting Houdans in the fair...if you are not then we will probably do it, my son wants to enter them as a jr exhibitor and see how it works. It makes me worry though. Scary germs....but something new to try. I would have to quarantine them afterwards for awhile to feel ok about putting them back with the others I think.
Cutest thing ever today. Got my first Houdan egg....but it was so funny, she was in the doghouse coop making a racket, and this went on for three hours...and my Rooster Dwight was pacing like a nervous daddy at first, clucking and cooing and spinning in circles...he really was worried. Then, he went in there and nestled down next to her, clucking and making these soft cute little noises the whole time she sat there, just being her friend. Right up against her. He was so worried about her, I just loved watching him be such a good boy. He even chased the other girls out a few times when they tried to come in. "Give us some privacy here!" So funny. What a sweetheart
I had no idea I would love a rooster like I love him. At night when we put him in the garage, he comes to the front of the run and waits for us at dusk. We open the gate and he runs up to the house, waits on the porch for us to open the door and pick him up. He is just so adorable! I hope he lives forever. And stays sweet forever
Knocking on wood!
I just got back from my week-long scout camp on Saturday. I went to "Hinkley Scout Ranch" previously known as Tomahawk.
Exciting, New layers are so fun
Hope you get some soon! I bet it is her. I have two more girls to go...one looks even more ready than the one that laid, one is barely pink. They are 20 1/2 weeks old so it is time! I wanted to see if anyone else was putting Houdans in the fair...if you are not then we will probably do it, my son wants to enter them as a jr exhibitor and see how it works. It makes me worry though. Scary germs....but something new to try. I would have to quarantine them afterwards for awhile to feel ok about putting them back with the others I think.
The fair judges wouldn't like the hair cut I gave to my houdan so that she would stop running into my leg!

Good luck to your boy....probably the only Houdan in the Fair!

I was going to sell my older coop but I am going to hang on to it for a nursery/infirmary/broodie breaker.
The fair judges wouldn't like the hair cut I gave to my houdan so that she would stop running into my leg!

Good luck to your boy....probably the only Houdan in the Fair!

I was going to sell my older coop but I am going to hang on to it for a nursery/infirmary/broodie breaker.
Thanks! And that's a good idea to have a back up setup. I had a couple injuries last winter and it would have been so nice to have somewhere to separate them that was more enclosed and secure.

JED- my boy just came back from Christmas meadows in the Uintahs on Friday. It rained the whole time, he had one pair of shoes and his feet were wet all week, i felt so bad I did not think to send a spare pair of shoes or sandals. He was miserable, they did not get to do a lot of things due to the bad weather. And I was so worried the whole time! There was a bear sighting there the week before in the campground.

Hope you had fun at yours! Did you have good weather at least? Not sure where that one is located.
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