
It's been awhile since I've been on. Six months ago this little guy hatched and up until about 6 weeks ago he looked like a little pullet. Frankie's a sweet little guy that doesn't mind being held once you catch him but he's also a second rooster and at the very bottom of the pecking order. He's half Silver Wyandotte and half Red Naked Neck, although he didn't get that gene. He's free if anyone would like him. Just message me.
Thanks LadyIsadora, It is Spanish Fork but good information to get me to the right site! Now I just have to figure out the logistics of buying it in bulk. Does anyone else buy from Leland Mills in bulk?

Yep, I do, just got me some more. 100 lbs. $22. and some odd cents.

Chicken lay mash, they love it better than the pellets in bags, or crumbles in bags.
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I lived on cape cod for 4 years loved it .I just hated trying to find my way around no rhyme or resin to the streets there
I lived on cape cod for 4 years loved it .I just hated trying to find my way around no rhyme or resin to the streets there

We sure have a great system here don't we. At least, in the older established areas. They are now naming streets..LN..Dr...RD..Way..etc. With names before them of course.
Hey there! I figured I'd check in here to see who is going to Idaho Chicken Stock on May 7th this year. Not everyone does the facebook thing which is where most of the advertising is done.
I'm new to back yard chickens so I'll apologize now if I'm in the wrong spot. I just got 4 chickens and I love them so much I'm wanting to add some ducks to the flock. Does anyone know if or where I could get duck eggs to hatch in Utah? Thanks in advance.
I'm not sure about duck eggs, but IFA is selling ducklings right now. You can also contact them and they will tell you where all the local hatcheries are and you may be able to find some eggs that way. Good luck!
I'm not sure about duck eggs, but IFA is selling ducklings right now. You can also contact them and they will tell you where all the local hatcheries are and you may be able to find some eggs that way. Good luck!

Thank you for the tip!! I'll give them a call.
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