
Oh my gosh! Oh my gosh----the DH just came home with......an incubator. I am terrified to ever even use it....but I should try! It is kinda late, we finally have most of the chickens we want. BUT I have these Blue Wyandottes who were with a rooster, and I saved their eggs.....question.....if I picked them up on Sunday, how many eggs would I guess at being fertile? Just the first day eggs from Monday morning? I saved 3 days worth. I might try to put them in there and see what happens. the First day eggs have been on the counter in a little paper cup, point side down, untouched. the day two and three eggs are in the fridge point side down. Tell me what you guys think

It doesn't hurt to put them in, certainly. What kind of incubator is it? I wish you were a little closer to Bountiful--I would give you all the fertile eggs you could handle! Unfortunately, I;ve been so sick the past few days I don't think I'm up to driving very far. :(

Set all your eggs out and let them get to room temp. I take it you don't have an auto-turner in the incubator? I don't tend to fuss about the humidity the first 17 days. After that, thought, I try to get it up to 70-80%. I've been having trouble with the sportsman that way--can't get it above 67%.

Just remember to get that incubator plugged in and try to get it to keep the proper temp at least 12 hours before putting the eggs in, preferably more like 24 hours. The temp will drop a little after you put the eggs in, but if it is already calibrated to the proper temp, it will come back up slowly to where it needs to be.
Oh my gosh! Oh my gosh----the DH just came home with......an incubator. I am terrified to ever even use it....but I should try! It is kinda late, we finally have most of the chickens we want. BUT I have these Blue Wyandottes who were with a rooster, and I saved their eggs.....question.....if I picked them up on Sunday, how many eggs would I guess at being fertile? Just the first day eggs from Monday morning? I saved 3 days worth. I might try to put them in there and see what happens. the First day eggs have been on the counter in a little paper cup, point side down, untouched. the day two and three eggs are in the fridge point side down. Tell me what you guys think

i think all the eggs are fertile. i have read that a hen can lay fertilized eggs for weeks after the rooster was removed
Birdman, Donna, thanks! It is just the basic deal from the feed store---Little Giant, still air, no turner. I hope it works :) I just got two more from the Wyandottes so I have 8 Blue Wyandotte eggs total. Maybe 2 more tomorrow, will see, then will see if I can round up any others close. Then Will probably just sell/give them after, I do not have much room left for more chickens until I see what gender some of my babies are.
They are BLRWs. I've got a small flock of them up in Duchesne and this group is actually the first pure BLRW hatch out of them.
I think her chicks are blue laced red wyandottes, correct? They are so cute!!! Congrats on a great hatch, but I'm sorry about the deformed one. Out of curiosity, how did you cull it?

I'm a little bummed because I'm thinking that 4/5 BLRW are boys, and that my one girl is the lightest colored of the bunch. The jury is still kind of out on one. It would be amazing color, but I'd rather it be a hen.

Lisa, congrats on the incubator!!! What kind did you get? I've been told that hens can give fertile eggs for up to 3 weeks after being separated from the boys. I think you should incubate and see how it goes. How fun!

endoux. The moveable chicken tractor seems like a really good way to have chickens in a smaller yard. Two chickens seems awfully restrictive. I'm surprised it's only two. Four seems more doable to me.
They are BLRWs. I've got a small flock of them up in Duchesne and this group is actually the first pure BLRW hatch out of them.

I just hatched out 8 blrw's they are a lighter color than yours. Hey I am moving to Fruitland next month we will almost be neighbors. If you sell some fertile eggs I will have to get some from you. Pearl
Hi all! I'm new to this website, and new to the idea of having chickens. I live in Riverton, have just started researching, and I'm actually getting a little discouraged. I don't have a lot of land. We have about 1/5 of an acre. I would love to have chickens, mainly for two reasons: I try to buy as much of our food locally as possible, and would love to be able to just go out into the backyard for eggs; and I'm allergic to most animals with fur. We can never have dogs or cats, but I bet my kids would love to have chickens as pets. The reason I'm feeling so discouraged is that it feels like Riverton isn't very friendly towards the idea of chickens, unless you have more acreage. It sounds like the limit is 2, and even then a coop has to be 40 feet from any houses. I measured my backyard, and I can go 40 feet from my house, but that doesn't leave me much room. And I have 3 kids. I want 3 chickens.

Maybe I just need to do more research, or maybe it's not meant to be for me. I would love some advice from anyone who lives in Riverton, or anyone whose ordinances are similar and has a smaller piece of land like I do. Thanks!
I would go with the tractor too and get 3 chickens. I live in West Jordan our limit is 5 hens some of my neighbors have roosters and like me more than the 5 limit. Good luck
Lisa, the hens can be fertile for quite a while, but would only keep up to 7 days worth at the longest..meaning, the first eggs being only 7 days. I'm sure many have hatched them at later/longer dates, but look around on here and see what you can about the luck of setting eggs later than day 7. I've even heard some folks say that they have had eggs in the fridge for a while, then tried it...and it worked! Check that out on here too, because this is where I read it. You probably don't need to worry about the ones in the fridge, because it sounds like you are getting eggs like crazy from these girls..unless you want oodles and oodles of pretty blue chickens..oh, I can't even imagine wanting that! LOL. Love them.
So, did you say somewhere what type of bator your Dear, Dear, Husband brought home to you. That is too funny. Wait until I tell Scott. Too cute.

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